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Things had definitely improved between Yunjin and Chaewon.

Yunjin was surprised to see Chaewon talking to her more, beyond the simple greetings. She would ask how her day went if she was home when Yunjin returned from school. Instead of texting, she would actually call and ask if everything was okay. All these little actions would always touch Yunjin's heart. She had gotten used to a cold and indifferent Chaewon, but the change in attitude was definitely something positive. What Yunjin had also noticed was that Chaewon stayed more and more nights at home spending time with her rather than with random strangers.

The first time it happened, it was a bit of a surprise. Yunjin had come back home expecting to have the house to herself. From the empty living room, she guessed that Chaewon was out like usual. But she was proven wrong when, on the way to her bedroom, she was met with the view of Chaewon stepping out of the shower.

The brunette only had a white towel covering her, which meant that her legs and shoulders were on full display. Now, the respectful thing for Yunjin to do would have been, logically, keeping her eyes at a safe level. But when little droplets of water slowly travelled down Chaewon's visible collarbones, Yunjin's gaze couldn't help but follow the wet trail. However, the end of said trail was down into the towel. Right through Chaewon's cleavage. Yunjin gulped.

"Hello there."

Yunjin's eyes snapped back up instantly. Chaewon must have noticed her staring to have that Cheshire cat smile. Yunjin could feel the tips of her ears turning red in embarrassment. Why was it so hot all of a sudden?

"You're home."

Chaewon laughed at Yunjin's stiff posture.

"So it seems," she answered, walking towards Yunjin.

"...no party night?"

Chaewon stopped in front of her room's door, and just before she went in she shook her head and eyed Yunjin attentively. "I didn't feel like being out tonight."

When Chaewon entered her room, Yunjin stood frozen on her spot. Their interaction got her heart racing and she had to lean back against the nearest wall to even out her breath. Seeing Chaewon's after-shower state was not something that happened every day, in fact it was the first time Yunjin got to appreciate Chaewon's toned body properly with barely any clothing in the way. She couldn't explain why she was reacting in such manner, but it was a really bad sign.

It started with that kiss on the cheek. Yunjin had not expected it, and so she blushed furiously when Chaewon headed to the kitchen afterwards. Yunjin just held the spot that the brunette's lips had touched like she was too afraid that the feeling would fade away. It didn't happen again, it was probably just a sign of gratitude from Chaewon. But still, it made Yunjin feel all fuzzy.

Yes, Chaewon was extremely attractive and that could not be denied, but Yunjin had met plenty of pretty girls in her life and not one of them made her feel this unsteady. The way she spoke, the way she moved,... anything she did was enough to keep Yunjin on edge every time they were in close proximity. Chaewon came into her life and suddenly nothing seemed to make sense. She wasn't her sister. She wasn't really a friend. Yunjin didn't know what to call whatever they were. It wasn't the first time she was rethinking over what she felt for Chaewon, but once again she didn't find an answer.


Later on that night, Yunjin found herself comfortably sitting in bed with her back to the wall and her cat resting on her legs. She scratched behind his ears and smiled widely at Leo's cute purrs. She had just finished dinner and didn't have anything to do, so she decided to enjoy some quality time with her favourite (and only) cat. Chaewon was also in her room, but from the silence Yunjin presumed she was already asleep.

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