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Days after the meeting with Kazuha, Yunjin felt like she was in a heavenly-like atmosphere. Chaewon was with her most of the time, and although she had not explicitly said they were exclusive, Yunjin knew that it was only her that Chaewon was keeping up at night. It was temporary bliss to act like she was Chaewon's girlfriend.

Not having a label didn't make anything they had less real, but it did give Yunjin a sense of uncertainty. She knew it was greedy to want everything to fall into place so soon, but Yunjin couldn't avoid fearing the possibility of Chaewon going back to her old ways if she didn't do something to bring out the side in her that wasn't afraid of love. Perhaps Yunjin was being too paranoid, but there was no other reaction she could have to Chaewon avoiding the relationship topic.

However, talking to Kazuha definitely made her feel more positive about making progress. Chaewon never clearly spoke about what she felt for Yunjin, but there was no doubt that it wasn't just physical need. Yunjin would feel it in her touch, in her gestures, and as cheesy and cliché as she could sound, Chaewon's cat-like eyes never lied. Chaewon would give her certain looks sometimes, looks that spoke louder than any words she could utter. And since she started to become more clingy and affectionate, Yunjin didn't have any complaint for the time being.

Dating would not be the appropriate term to describe whatever Chaewon and Yunjin had going. Although they had gone way past the process of getting to know each other's bodies and knowing what made them feel good, they had never properly gone out together just for the sake of being together. If Chaewon did invite her to go somewhere, there was always another purpose she would use as an excuse. Grocery shopping, taking Kuma for a walk, anything and everything. It was almost irritating how the brunette could never get her words out plain and simple. If she wanted to take Yunjin out on a date, she'd just have to say the words and Yunjin would accept in a heartbeat. She was, after all, still young and in need of basic romancing. A date wouldn't have to be explicitly called a date per se, Yunjin just wanted Chaewon to tell her that she enjoyed spending time together and, well, do more of that. They were already acting like a couple, Yunjin only needed Chaewon to acknowledge it and accept her. But once again, Yunjin didn't want to pressure Chaewon into anything and make her feel like she wasn't doing enough. She just needed to be patient and let Chaewon work things out slowly on her own. They weren't in a perfect relationship, but Yunjin was already happy enough that Chaewon was getting closer and closer to her.

Yunjin didn't want to get her hopes up too high, but she had a feeling that Chaewon was slowly giving in. Not that she wasn't already making an effort before, but in the recent days she had started to become more open to the idea of holding conversations that went beyond simple small talk (and dirty talk).

Before sex came into the equation, Chaewon used to occasionally ask about Yunjin's life. They were basic questions about childhood, school, hobbies, and general preferences. The usual discussion that helped two people get to know each other. Back then, it was all pretty innocent and Yunjin didn't really feel the need to analyse the reasons behind each question.

Now that they were more deeply involved, emotionally and physically, the questions became a little more personal.

"Are you glad that your dad married again?"

The sudden question startled Yunjin. At the time, they had just finished giving one other mind-blowing orgasms throughout the night, and Yunjin had expected Chaewon to fall asleep right after without saying another word. They were lying on either side of Yunjin's bed, their shoulders barely touching. Chaewon was staring at the ceiling, her eyes unfocused.

Hearing the brunette's voice, Yunjin turned her head slightly to observe Chaewon's expression as they spoke. "Why do you ask?"

Chaewon shrugged. "Curiosity."

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