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Coming to terms with mutual attraction was a lot easier than dealing with a one-sided crush. There was still the slight possibility that Yunjin might have started to imagine things, but if you asked her, she was pretty sure it was all real.

The changes were very subtle, but Yunjin never missed them. From the moment Chaewon had moved in, Yunjin had continuously observed the way she acted, it was the only way she could figure out anything about how Chaewon felt. She was the first one to notice if there was something different, and therefore, the shift in Chaewon's attitude was loud and clear to Yunjin.

It started all with a morning. Similarly to most other nights, Chaewon had come into Yunjin's bedroom in the middle of the night and well, fucked her. (Maybe the term was too crude at that point since Chaewon had definitely started to go a lot softer on her in bed, but still very passionate nonetheless.) Except unlike most other nights, Chaewon had wrapped her arms around Yunjin's naked body and slept soundly against her back. There had been times where Chaewon would sleep close to her when they shared a bed, but the Korean girl was not much of a cuddler. So to Yunjin, the newfound affectionate position was surprising. What was an even more shocking moment was the morning after, when Yunjin heard her alarm go off and instead of waking up alone, she found Chaewon calmly sleeping next to her in the exact same way they had fallen asleep.

Yunjin might have sounded like a bit of a creep, but she loved watching Chaewon sleep. Her serene expression, free of any stress or worry. She looked extremely cute, and Yunjin had to fight back the urge of kissing the sleeping girl all over the face. Chaewon acted cool and tough, but when she was in a state of peace within the walls of their house, she could turn into a baby.

Unfortunately, waking up next to each other didn't necessarily mean they were able to make improvements in their communication flaws. Chaewon woke up slowly, untangling their limbs as she stretched. Yunjin could only watch her quietly and wait for her reaction. But Chaewon just blinked her eyes open and scanned her surroundings, almost as if she was not surprised to be found in Yunjin's room.

"Good morning," she greeted hoarsely. She sat up and let the covers fall onto her lap, Yunjin looking away awkwardly as a consequence of the girl's nakedness. Chaewon was taking her time, rubbing her eyes with both hands and yawning. She didn't say anything else.

Pushing the blanket aside, Chaewon stood up despite Yunjin's wandering eyes, and picked up the discarded clothes from the floor. Without glancing back, she walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Yunjin was left stunned. She didn't know how Chaewon could go from avoiding her like the plague to casually walking around naked in front of her. It was the first time it happened, but Yunjin couldn't tell if it was significant or not. But for once, it was a step forward.

After the mornings together came the random displays of affection. Yunjin would jump whenever she'd feel Chaewon's arm sneak around her waist when they were close, it had been a while since she had received innocent touches without further purpose. If that wasn't enough, when Yunjin would watch something on the TV and Chaewon joined her on the couch, instead of being a few inches apart she started to lean a lot into Yunjin's body. Sometimes, when Yunjin least expected it, Chaewon would reach over and grab her hand, pulling it towards her so she could let it rest on her lap and play gently with Yunjin's fingers. Of course, Yunjin was not immune to Chaewon's touch so whenever that happened she felt a tingle all over, but never made a move to get her hand back. She liked when Chaewon was close to her without the involvement of sex or heated make outs. It was almost as if they had returned to how they acted before the whole 'I like you' fiasco. But obviously, now they were at as stage beyond friendly deeds.

And it didn't end there.

Alongside soft touches and affectionate gestures, Chaewon started to give Yunjin kisses whenever she felt like it. Since they had returned to spending the morning together, Yunjin got the chance to see Chaewon before she left for her morning lectures. But before heading out, one day Chaewon approached the red hairedwhile she had breakfast on the dining table, and gently pressed her lips to Yunjin's as if it was the most natural thing to do. It wasn't a heated kiss, just a mere touch of lips, but Yunjin's heart raced regardless. As the days passed, it became more usual for them to kiss spontaneously, without it being a way to initiate sex. (Although the sex still happened, and very often so)

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