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Yunjin had not been able to even think about falling asleep that night. After standing outside for what felt like hours, she went back inside the house and sat back down on the very same couch. She stared aimlessly at the wall, not knowing what she was supposed to do to fix things with Chaewon. She was almost certain that Chaewon wasn't going to come back that night, and even if she did, it was highly unlikely that she'd ever speak to her again.

Yunjin needed to find a way to get to talk to Chaewon. Maybe she was not going to ever be forgiven, but the least she could do was to apologise and explain herself.

Instead of tormenting herself alone, Yunjin picked up her phone and called the only person she knew would offer her valuable advice to overcome her problem.

"Yunjin, you're a complete and utter dumbass."


"Hey, don't look at me like that. I'm just telling you how it is."

Yunjin whined and stomped her feet like a child.

"Sakura unnie, you're supposed to make me feel better!"

Biting on a chicken wing, Sakura shook her head repeatedly. "I'm telling you Yunjin, you fucked up. What you told her was very wrong, not to mention how offensive you've been. Slut shaming? Seriously?"

Sakura had been Yunjin's tutor the year before, and the two girls had become friends in no time. Although Sakura was a few years older, they shared the same humour and were very comfortable around each other. The older girl was on her last year at university, as well as being a part-timer at KFC, and she had kindly visited Yunjin after her shift to offer her own kind of moral support (that being, hitting her with the harsh reality). Of course, she had brought a bucket of fried chicken as a way to cheer up the red haired. It didn't really work.

After hearing Sakura's words, Yunjin looked down at her lap in shame. She knew that what she had said was wrong. It was not something that she would have ever said, under any circumstances, but somehow Chaewon had managed to push her to her limit without even being aware of it. It was already past 3 a.m., and Chaewon had still not returned.

Noticing Yunjin's discomfort, Sakura swallowed her bite and continued. "For her part, she shouldn't invade your personal space and you know... have loud sex under the same roof as you."

"I basically called her a whore, unnie."

"Yeah, you did. Very dumb move."

"But she... she always goes out and- and spends the night with people and—I just..." Yunjin tried to explain, to defend herself, but truth was that she didn't have any right to judge. Chaewon had the freedom to do whatever the hell she wanted, and Yunjin's attitude had been very childish. She just didn't know how to let her know that her outburst had nothing to do with Chaewon and everything to do with Yunjin's stupid jealousy. Because she had been so, so stupid.

"I understand Yunjin, but the way she lives her life is entirely her choice! You should have just spoken to her and explained your issues, that way you could've set some basic rules about living together."

Sakura reached out and patted Yunjin on the back. It wasn't going to make her feel better, but Yunjin was young and needed to understand when she needed to admit her faults. Yunjin nodded and let her head rest gently on Sakura's shoulder.

"I just feel weird things around her."

"Uh, okay?"

"Like—I want to get close to her. But at the same time, there's something telling me it's not worth it."

"Right. Yeah."

"I told you, it's weird."

"Yunjin," Sakura grabbed a tissue to wipe her hands clean, and finally met Yunjin's sad eyes, "why are you making such an effort with her? You're not usually this persistent. Just because you have to live with the girl doesn't mean you have to be best buddies."

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