Whispers of Love: A Day to Remember

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Jennie had been pushing herself to the limit, rehearsing nonstop for the upcoming Born Pink concert. Every move, every note, every detail had to be perfect, and the pressure was getting to her. Her frustration was palpable as she went over the choreography again and again, feeling like she just couldn’t get it right.

Jennie, maybe you should take a break,” Lisa suggested, concern in her eyes.

Yeah, you’ve been at this for hours,” Roseanne added gently.

Jisoo nodded in agreement. “You need to rest, Jennie. It’s not good to overwork yourself.”

But instead of finding comfort in their words, Jennie snapped. “I don’t have time to rest! This concert has to be perfect, and I’m not there yet! I don’t need a break—I need to get this right!”

The sharpness in her voice startled them, but they knew she was just stressed. They exchanged worried glances but decided to give her some space.

Later that night, Jennie returned home, exhausted and still wound up from the day. But as she entered the bedroom, she found YN, her girlfriend, sleeping peacefully. The sight of her, so calm and serene, made Jennie’s heart ache with guilt. She quietly slipped into bed beside her, hoping to find some solace in YN’s presence.

The next morning, YN woke up to the gentle sound of Jennie’s breathing. She carefully reached for her phone and saw messages from Jisoo, Roseanne, and Lisa. They explained how stressed Jennie had been and that they had convinced their manager to give them a free day to rest.

An idea sparked in YN’s mind. She slipped out of bed without waking Jennie and headed to the kitchen. She knew exactly what Jennie needed—a little bit of care and a lot of love.

YN prepared Jennie’s favorite breakfast, making sure to include everything that would bring a smile to her face. She set the tray on the table beside the bed and waited patiently for Jennie to wake up.

A few minutes later, Jennie stirred, reaching for her phone. “Shit, I’m going to be late,” she muttered, panic starting to set in.

But before she could get up, YN wrapped her arms around Jennie, pulling her back into a warm embrace. “Baby, calm down,” YN whispered softly into her ear. “Roseanne told me you guys don’t have rehearsal today. I prepared something special for you.”

Jennie looked up at YN, her eyes wide with surprise. “Really?”

YN smiled and kissed her on the cheek. “Really. Now relax, I’ve got you.”

Jennie’s shoulders visibly relaxed, the tension from the past few days slowly melting away. “Thank you, baby,” she whispered, her voice full of gratitude and love.

YN got up to retrieve the breakfast tray, placing it on the bed between them. Jennie looked at the spread, her heart swelling with affection for the woman who always knew how to take care of her.

They began eating, sharing quiet conversation and tender smiles. For the first time in days, Jennie felt truly at ease, all because of YN’s thoughtful gesture.

As they enjoyed their breakfast together, Jennie realized just how lucky she was to have YN by her side—someone who understood her so deeply, someone who knew just how to calm her storm. And in that moment, all the stress and pressure of the concert seemed so far away, replaced by the simple joy of being with the one she loved.

After finishing their breakfast, YN turned to Jennie with a playful glint in her eye. “Alright, babe, we’re going out today. Just dress comfortably and don’t worry about anything else.”

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