Whiskers of Fate

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It was a busy afternoon at the Snug Mug Café, a cozy little place nestled in the heart of the city. The café was a hidden gem, known for its delicious pastries, comforting drinks, and a special cat section where customers could relax with a few furry friends. YN, the owner of the café and a multibillionaire who ran a successful programming company, was wiping down the counter, helping out her cousin who managed the place.

Despite her wealth and high-profile career, YN found solace in the simplicity of the café, a world away from boardrooms and coding marathons. She glanced up as the door chimed, signaling a new customer. Her breath caught as she saw who had just entered—a stunning woman with long, wavy blonde hair and an aura of grace that immediately drew all eyes to her. YN quickly composed herself, but not without a little stutter, "Welcome to Snug Mug Café. What can I get you?"

The woman, none other than Rosé of BLACKPINK, was too preoccupied studying the menu to notice YN’s flustered state. She pondered over the pastries, trying to decide which one would pair best with her drink. YN, trying to regain her composure, cleared her throat.

"We actually have a cat section where you can enjoy your order with some furry friends," she offered with a charming smile.

Rosé’s face lit up, her stress from the day already beginning to fade. "Oh, that sounds perfect. Could you show me the way?"

YN nodded, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of Rosé’s delighted expression. She guided Rosé to the cat section, a cozy area filled with plush cushions, soft lighting, and plenty of friendly cats. As soon as Rosé settled down, the cats flocked to her, purring and rubbing against her. She was instantly absorbed, taking pictures and cuddling each of the cats, her laughter filling the room.

From behind the glass, YN couldn’t help but smile at the sight. She was completely enchanted by Rosé’s genuine joy and her easy affection for the cats. "Boss, is she the one?" teased Marie, one of the café’s staff members, noticing YN’s dreamy expression.

YN quickly dropped her smile and nudged Marie away. "Just prepare the customer’s order and stop bothering me," she said, trying to sound stern but failing to hide her blush.

Marie laughed as she walked away. "Sure, I’ll leave you to stare at your girl," she teased, leaving YN blushing even more.

A few minutes later, YN noticed the name "Rosie" on the order card. She felt a thrill of excitement as she picked up the tray and approached Rosé, who was still busy baby-talking the cats. The sight melted YN’s usually cold heart. "Uh, excuse me, here’s your order. I’m sorry it took so long, we’re a bit understaffed today," YN apologized, hoping she hadn’t kept her waiting too long.

Rosé looked up with an adorable smile that nearly knocked the wind out of YN. "No, it’s okay," she replied, her voice sweet and soothing.

Just as YN turned to leave, a couple of the cats jumped onto her, meowing insistently. It was as if they were begging her to stay. Rosé laughed at the scene, the sound like music to YN’s ears. Embarrassed but unable to resist, YN relented. "Alright, alright, I’ll stay a little longer to play with you guys."

They ended up playing with the cats together, sharing soft conversations and playful teasing. It felt like a date, though neither of them had yet to acknowledge the connection they were building.

As days turned into weeks, Rosé became a regular at the Snug Mug Café. Each visit brought them closer, their feelings deepening with every shared moment. The café staff, and even the cats, began to notice the bond forming between them, and they would often find ways to nudge the two together.

Then one day, as Rosé sipped her coffee and played with the cats as usual, she noticed a white cat named Cloud trotting towards her. Cloud had a small piece of paper attached to her collar. Curious, Rosé gently removed the paper and unfolded it. Her heart skipped a beat as she read the words, "Can I ask you out on a date?"

She looked up to see YN standing there, a nervous yet hopeful smile on her face, holding a bouquet of red roses. Overwhelmed with emotion, Rosé stood up, her heart swelling with happiness. She walked over to YN and wrapped her arms around her in a warm hug. "Yes," she whispered in YN’s ear, before pulling back slightly to peck her cheek, a gesture filled with promise and affection.

The café erupted in quiet cheers from the staff who had been watching the whole scene unfold. The cats, seemingly aware of the love blossoming between them, rubbed against their legs, purring contentedly.

And so, in the warmth of the Snug Mug Café, amidst the purring cats and the scent of fresh pastries, YN and Rosé’s story began—a tale of love sparked in the most unexpected of places, bringing them both a happiness they hadn’t known they were searching for.

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