Steps to Love

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Y/N stood nervously outside YG Entertainment, the towering building reminding her of the magnitude of the opportunity she was about to step into. As a renowned choreographer, she had worked with many big names in the industry, but this—choreographing Blackpink's new music video—was different. She had admired the group's talent from afar, especially Lisa, the group's main dancer, whose skills were unmatched. But now, she was about to meet them, and she was determined to make an impression.

Walking into the practice studio, Y/N was greeted warmly by Jennie, Jisoo, Roseanne, and finally, Lisa. Jennie's confident smile, Jisoo's playful nature, and Roseanne's genuine kindness put Y/N at ease. But it was Lisa who caught her attention the most. Lisa's vibrant personality radiated excitement, but there was also a hint of nervousness in her eyes. Y/N could tell Lisa was eager to impress her, and she couldn't help but wonder how their collaboration would unfold.

The first few days were intense. Y/N's meticulous approach to choreography was new to the girls, and while they adapted quickly, it was Lisa who shone the brightest. Her natural talent was evident, but what struck Y/N was Lisa's unwavering dedication. Every move, every beat, Lisa was determined to master it, pushing herself to be the best. Y/N admired that about her, and as they worked closely together, her respect for Lisa grew deeper.

As the days turned into weeks, the group's tight schedule forced Y/N and Lisa to spend long hours together in the studio. They often found themselves practicing late into the night, the dim lights and quiet atmosphere creating an intimate setting. These sessions, though physically exhausting, became moments where they connected on a deeper level. Between rehearsals, they shared stories—about their pasts, their dreams, their struggles. Y/N found herself drawn to Lisa's playful energy, which balanced her own seriousness. Lisa, in turn, appreciated Y/N's quiet strength and thoughtful nature. The line between professional and personal began to blur.

One night, during a particularly challenging rehearsal, Lisa struggled with a difficult move that Y/N had choreographed. Frustration built up as she repeated the steps over and over, unable to get it right. Finally, she stopped, her shoulders slumping in defeat.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," Lisa said, her voice tinged with exhaustion. "I should be able to do this, but I just can't get it right."

Y/N walked over, placing a comforting hand on Lisa's shoulder. "It's okay, Lisa. No one is perfect all the time. It's okay to struggle. What matters is that you keep trying, and I'm here to help you through it."

Lisa looked up at Y/N, her eyes filled with vulnerability. In that moment, she let her guard down, allowing herself to be imperfect. Y/N's words resonated with her, and she realized how much she valued Y/N's support. This moment of vulnerability deepened their bond, making them closer than ever.

As they finished the night's practice, the air between them was charged with emotion. The studio was quiet, the only sound the faint hum of the city outside. Lisa, feeling a surge of emotion, turned to Y/N and impulsively kissed her. Y/N was surprised but didn't pull away. Instead, she responded, the kiss marking the beginning of something new and exciting between them.

When the music video shoot finally arrived, Y/N and Lisa's chemistry was undeniable. Every move they made together on screen was filled with the connection they had built off-screen. The other members and the production team were thrilled with the result, unaware of the deeper bond that had fueled the creativity behind the scenes.

With the music video wrapped, Y/N and Lisa took a moment to reflect on their journey. They had started as strangers, but through late-night practices, shared stories, and moments of vulnerability, they had become something much more. As they stood together, hand in hand, they knew that whatever challenges came their way, they would face them together, excited about the future as both collaborators and partners.

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