Unlikely Encounters

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It was a typical day for YN, a successful businesswoman, known for her impeccable suits and her relentless work ethic. Despite the demands of her career, she occasionally found herself wandering the park near her office, a quiet escape from the high-paced corporate world. Today, the gentle rustle of leaves and the chirping of birds were a welcome contrast to the clicking of keyboards and the hum of fluorescent lights.

As she walked, YN spotted something unusual-a flash of white fur caught in the bushes. Moving closer, she discovered a small white dog, clearly in distress, with its leg caught and bleeding. Without hesitation, YN crouched down to help, but the dog responded with a ferocious growl, its fear and pain evident. Despite the dog's initial hostility, YN's calm voice and gentle touch eventually soothed it. She carefully freed the dog from the bush, not minding the blood that smeared her expensive suit, and carried the injured animal to her car.

Driving swiftly, YN made her way to the nearest vet clinic. As she entered, the doctor on duty immediately noticed the injured dog in her arms and ushered her into an examination room. "What happened?" the doctor asked.

YN explained how she found the dog, the worry in her voice betraying her usual composed demeanor. The doctor nodded, taking the dog from her. "Please wait in the reception area. We'll take care of him."

While YN waited anxiously in the clinic, across town, Jisoo was in a state of panic. Her beloved dog, Dalgom, had gone missing, and she couldn't bear the thought of something happening to him. "Manager-nim, please find Dalgom," she pleaded, her voice trembling with fear.

In desperation, Jisoo called her friend Jennie, who was shocked to hear the news. "Dalgom never leaves your side!" Jennie exclaimed. "Don't worry, I'll get the girls and my friends to help look for him. Remember, I put your number on his collar. Someone might call."

Clinging to this hope, Jisoo whispered a prayer, "Please help me find my Dalgom."

Back at the clinic, the vet informed YN that the dog had undergone minor surgery and would need some time to recover. With no other options, YN decided to take the dog back to her hotel room. She called her secretary, instructing them to buy the necessary supplies. Though she was clueless about caring for a dog, YN was determined to ensure the little guy was comfortable.

As the night wore on, YN worked late into the night, buried in her laptop, until a bark from the dog pulled her from her focus. "Uhm, you want a cuddle or something?" she asked, perplexed. The dog barked once more, and YN took it as a yes, awkwardly patting its head and feeling a strange warmth spread through her chest.

The next morning, YN woke up to find the dog curled up beside her. As she reached out to pet him, she noticed the tag on his collar with a phone number inscribed on it. Still groggy, she grabbed her phone and dialed the number.

Jisoo, who had barely slept all night, answered on the first ring, her voice hoarse and filled with anxiety. "Hello?"

"Uh, hi," YN began hesitantly. "I may have your dog."

Jisoo's heart skipped a beat. "Is he okay? Is he hurt?" she asked, her words tumbling out in a rush.

YN quickly reassured her, explaining how she found the dog and what had happened. As they talked, YN introduced herself, wanting to clarify that she wasn't some sort of dognapper.

"Let's meet at *blank blank address*," Jisoo said, her voice filled with both relief and urgency.

They arranged to meet at a nearby café. As YN arrived, she saw a beautiful woman running toward her with a look of pure joy on her face. Jisoo knelt down, scooping Dalgom into her arms, tears of relief streaming down her cheeks. "Oh, my poor baby," she cooed, pressing her cheek against the dog's soft fur.

YN stood frozen, captivated by the woman's beauty. When Jisoo finally looked up and met her gaze, she smiled warmly. "Thank you for saving my baby," she said, her voice filled with gratitude.

YN, still a bit dazed, finally found her voice. "Uh, yeah. No worries. I'm just glad he's safe."

Jisoo offered to pay for the vet bill, aware of how expensive it must have been, but YN refused. "No, really, it's okay. I'm just happy I could help."

As they chatted, what began as a simple thank you turned into an invitation for coffee. That coffee led to another, and soon they were meeting regularly, their conversations growing longer and more personal with each encounter.

One day, after a particularly wonderful day together, YN mustered the courage to ask Jisoo if she could court her, having already gotten the approval of Jisoo's family. With a soft smile, Jisoo said yes, sealing the start of something beautiful and unexpected.

In the end, what began as a chance encounter in the park blossomed into a love that neither had anticipated, a love that grew from a simple act of kindness and a shared affection for a small, white dog named Dalgom.

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