Left in the Dark

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I fled to the only sanctuary where I could indulge in my sorrow without restraint. The world outside had become a relentless storm, battering me with expectations and obligations that seemed insurmountable. My refuge was a forsaken corner of my life, where solace was a fleeting illusion and the bitterness of my situation gnawed at me with a ferocity that was nearly unbearable.

Tears streamed down my face as I stumbled into the garden, the only place where I could be alone with my despair. Hidden among the thick, tangled bushes, I had crafted a small haven-a secret refuge where the world's cruelties felt distant, even if only for a fleeting moment. The moon blazed high above, casting its harsh light upon the garden, but I was shrouded in shadow, my sorrow blending with the dappled light that filtered through the leaves. I slumped down, burying my face in my hands, my shoulders shaking violently with each choked sob. My tears fell freely, soaking into the earth, as though trying to nourish the plants with my grief.

Amid my anguished lament, a sudden, jarring sensation yanked me from my despair. A hand-cold and unwelcome-clutched my foot, sending a jolt of terror through me. My scream erupted like the cry of a wounded animal, piercing the stillness of the garden. I kicked out instinctively, my movements desperate and wild, driven by sheer panic.

"Would you please stop it and act like a lady?" The voice cut through my chaos, sharp and disdainful.

I froze mid-kick, the sound of that voice slicing through the fog of my fear. My eyes widened in horror as I saw Henry's imposing figure looming above me. His presence, typically so confident and commanding, now felt invasive and repugnant.

"I won't marry you!" I spat out, my voice trembling with a potent mix of fury and fear.

Henry's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing with irritation. "Do you really think I want you?" He sneered, a cruel smirk curling at his lips. "Look at you-sitting here, drenched in your own tears. The only reason I'm even considering this arrangement is because I never say no to money. And let me be clear: I'm already furious. You have no choice but to comply, so get your act together."

His words were a knife to my heart, each one a bitter reminder of the transactional nature of our entanglement. The weight of his contempt pressed heavily upon me, making it hard to breathe. In this garden of my private sorrow, Henry's cold, calculating demeanor felt like a betrayal of everything I had sought to escape.

As I struggled to compose myself, the reality of my predicament bore down on me with an unbearable heaviness. I looked up at him, my tears mingling with the grime of the garden, and felt a surge of defiance. Even if the world tried to mold me into something I was not, I would cling to the fragments of my own will, no matter how small they seemed.

Out of nowhere, Henry lowered himself to my level, his hands gripping my legs with a vice-like hold. I tried to move, but his grip was unyielding. Desperately, I pushed and hit him, but he remained close, unrelenting. He seized my face with his hands, holding it tightly as he leaned in and pressed a rough, unexpected kiss to my lips. When he pulled away, his eyes were cold and devoid of compassion. He then stepped back, his smirk a final taunt.

"Get yourself together, wife," he said with a chilling chuckle.

As he walked off, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, my disgust mingling with the tears that continued to flow. I sank back into my despair, the weight of the day's cruel events crashing over me like a relentless tide.


"Thea! Thea, what are you doing?" Alice's voice cut through the chaos as I frantically stuffed my belongings into a worn, single bag. My heart pounded with a desperate rhythm, a determined beat against the suffocating grip of our mother's oppressive influence. I didn't care where I went or how I would survive-I only knew that I could no longer bear to stay in this stifling hell.

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