The Day.

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As the pastor's voice echoed through the room, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of God to witness and celebrate the union of these two in holy matrimony," I felt an overwhelming numbness settle over me. The words felt distant and surreal, like a ritual being performed on a lifeless figure. The smiles on my family's faces, so bright and reassuring, only intensified my sense of dread. I felt like a puppet in a grand, orchestrated play, and I was painfully aware of the strings being pulled by those around me.

Henry's grip on my hands was firm, almost commanding, as if his touch was meant to silence my inner turmoil and push me through this orchestrated charade. Every second felt like an eternity, with tears streaming down my face uncontrollably. I wanted to flee, to escape from the clutches of this ceremony, but the intensity in Henry's eyes held me captive. His gaze was a silent warning, a reminder of the expectations and consequences that lay ahead.

In that moment, I was paralyzed by fear and uncertainty, torn between the overwhelming desire to break free and the paralyzing fear of the repercussions. I was trapped, caught in a painful spectacle where the facade of joy only deepened my sense of isolation and despair.

"Henry, today I take you to be my husband. I promise to love you unconditionally, to honor and cherish you for who you are. I vow to stand by your side in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in prosperity and in hardship. I will be faithful and supportive, always striving to grow with you and to build a life together that reflects our deepest values. With all my heart, I commit to you, today and always." I say choking in my tears, telling the lies to get through it.

"Theodosia, today I choose you to be my wife. I promise to love and respect you, to support you in all that you do, and to be your faithful partner through every season of life. I vow to stand by you through challenges and triumphs, to honor our marriage with kindness and patience, and to work together to build a life filled with love and happiness. I give you my heart, my soul, and my unwavering commitment, now and forever." He lied as well.

"Now, by the power vested in me, you may kiss the bride."

Save me, Lord, save me now. I prayed for the ground to open up, for the heavens to tear apart, for anything to spare me from what was about to happen. The rapture, the end of days-anything would have been preferable to this moment.

Henry's lips touched mine, and in that instant, the last flicker of my resistance was snuffed out

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Henry's lips touched mine, and in that instant, the last flicker of my resistance was snuffed out. I was powerless, trapped in a life no longer my own. My soul, my very being, was slipping through my fingers, and there was nothing left to hold on to. Everything that I was, everything I could have been, had been claimed by him-by this moment I had no way of escaping.

The ride from the church to Henry's mansion was a nightmarish blur. Each mile felt like a step further into an abyss from which I might never escape. The mansion, with its towering spires and darkened windows, loomed ahead like a monolith of my new reality. I could barely breathe as we approached, the weight of what was to come pressing heavily on my chest.

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