Chapter 4

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Charlotte woke up early and went to the bathroom to wash her face . Her eyes were smudged with mascara and her hair resembled a lions mane . She sighed and brushed her hair before tying it into two Dutch plaits .

As she got changed into a simple navy dress she heard John and Arthur enter the house . They were singing and shouting in a playful way .

Charlotte walked out the room and was instantly being swung around in circles by a highly enthusiastic Arthur .

"Morning to you to " said Charlotte as she rolled her eyes and walked to the kitchen .

Finn walked down the stairs and patted his brothers on the back .

"Calm down Arthur ey, remember what I said about the cocaine " said Tommy sternly

Charlotte huffed when she realised there was no food in the cupboards

"What do you eat for breakfast?" She said as she sunk down onto the sofa with a sigh .

"Don't have time for breakfast when you do business." Said Tommy as he placed his cap on his head .

"Come on , we're going to Pol's" said Tommy as he grabbed and put on his jacket .

"Hear that Johnny boy ! " shouted Arthur as he got out his gun and pretended to shoot him

Charlotte stood up and followed Tommy out the house . Arthur and John were playing a shooting game behind her .


Micheal was sat around the wooden table as Polly cleared away the leftover breakfast .

"How was it ?" Asked Polly calmly as she poured herself a cup of tea

"I was starving , I'd have eaten anything " said Micheal with a smile "but really it was super"

Polly smiled at him warmly and sat down . She placed her mug down and silently chuckled to herself .

"Super " she said with a small chuckle .

"So , are you a cook ?" Micheal asked in hopes of learning as much about his mum as possible .

"Not much of a cook , no . Only ever cook for me and your sister but nothing grand " Polly said with a smile .

"What's her name " asked Micheal

"Charlotte " said Polly with a smile "Charlotte Elizabeth Gray "

"That's a nice name " said Micheal as he smiled at the idea of having a sister .

"You have another sister , Anna " Polly said before pausing " she's moved on to the second life now though."

"I remember her , I think . We were together after we got taken . " said Micheal calmly .

Polly just nodded and looked down .

"I don't think Charlotte realised but I saw a man collect her in a car on the day she came to visit me , he looked rich . What does he do ?" Asked Micheal as Polly poured a cup of tea for him .

" He works with horses " said Polly hurriedly in the hopes of changing the subject

"Really " said Micheal fascinated "I love horses , I've got a bay mare "

"No " said Polly shocked

"I ride it all the time " said Micheal

"Then it's in the blood " said Polly as she took a sip of her tea .

Micheal watched her and sighed "I've got about a million questions "

"So do I " said Polly with a sympathetic look

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