Chapter 8

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~a month later ~

"Over there " shouted Isiah as he pointed to a hill on one of the many fields on Birmingham's outskirts .

Charlotte ran after him , laughing as the racing winds filtered through her hair . Isiah stopped on a patch of grass and pulled Charlotte down with him .

The night sky enveloped the atmosphere and Charlotte lay down next to Isiah , the damp grass soaking through her backside.

"Look" said Isiah excitedly " that constellation looks like a gun"

Isiah moved Charlotte's hand so she was pointing at it

"See it now ?" He asked

"Yeah , yeah I see it " Charlotte said as she traced the stars with her hand

As they lay there their icy breaths Created mini clouds of condensation.

"We could escape you know , run off to the hills . Never run from a copper again cause we'd be free. " Isiah said soothingly , his deep voice creating a melody of hope

Charlotte stayed silent .

"Think about what we could be , what we could do . You could be a fashion designer in London like you've dreamed about and I could own a pub , an inn even . " Isiah said hopefully

"I wish " Charlotte responded

"Maybe you can  , look there's a shooting star " Isiah said as he sat up and pointed

Charlotte sat up and smiled at it

"Quick close your eyes " Isiah said as he covered Charlotte's eyes with his hand

Charlotte held her breath and closed her eyes . She slowly opened them and looked at Isiah who's eyes were fixed to the shooting star

" Do you think it worked ?" Asked Isiah as he looked over to her

"I hope so " she said with a smile

"Me too" whispered Isiah

"I should probably go " Charlotte said as she stood up

"Same , dad will wonder where I am . Let's go " Isaiah said before bouncing up and running down the hill 

"Isiah I sware to God" shouted Charlotte as she ran after him , the night sky made it hard to see as she stumbled occasionally down the hill .

Charlotte climbed over a gate and made it into Uncle Charlie's Yard . Isiah tipped his cap .

"I'll see ya tomorrow then " he said

"Yeah " replied Charlotte , out of breath slightly

Isiah than ran his separate way and Charlotte walked across the yard . It was quite a long walk to her new house so she began jogging . The dark streets were not a safe place at night so she kept to the alleyways .

Drunk men were shouting and shattering glass collided against the small houses . Charlotte crept down an alleyway and stopped when she could hear a crunching sound . A small footstep .

She gasped as a hand covered her mouth and something pinned her against the wall. She attempted to scream but no sound came out . She kicked at the figure who had her pinned but she soon stopped after a cold slap to her cheek silenced her . Her cheek stung and the pain lingered .

"Bring her out under the lamplight " said an Irish voice

The figure dragged her against the wall until she was propped up against some decaying bricks near a street lamp.

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