Chapter 6

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Charlotte woke up the following morning to her mum pulling the small curtains back . Her little window where Charlotte would usually find her self sitting on or escaping through now let in the early morning light .
Charlotte tightened her eyes and stirred .

Polly knelt down beside her and placed a soft hand on Charlottes side .

"Wake up darling , I'm taking you and Michael out today " Polly whispered  softly

Charlotte slowly opened her eyes and rubbed them instinctively.

"You look shattered " mumbled Polly as she stood up to get out an outfit for Charlotte to wear .

Charlotte sat up and bit her nails blankly , secretly hoping Tommy hadn't mentioned anything about last night to her mum .

"Stop biting your nails Charlotte " Polly scolded with her back still turned as she sorted through draws .

Charlotte rolled her eyes and sighed .

"Here " said Polly as she placed a dress and other pieces of clothing down on the bed " now get dressed quick , breakfast is on the table "

"Where we going " asked Charlotte as she stood up

"You'll see " Polly responded as she exited the room

Charlotte raised her eyebrows before getting dressed into a navy dress . She then placed on her black boots and did the top bit of her hair up before placing a white bow in it .

She walked down the stairs and hopped on a wooden stool at the table . Michael was already seated and he smiled warmly at Charlotte .

She smiled in return and reached over for a piece of toast . As she buttered it Polly came round the corner and tutted ..

"You'd think you'd know how to do up a dress properly " Polly sighed as she came round and sorted out Charlottes dress from behind .

"Maybe if you'd taught me I would know " Charlotte mumbled

Polly heard and flicked her on the shoulder causing Micheal to chuckle to himself.

After breakfast it was time to leave . Charlotte followed her mother and Micheal to the door . Polly put on a hat and passed Micheal his coat .

"Thanks " Micheal said as he placed it on

Polly then opened the door and led Charlotte  and Micheal outside to a car . Polly paused to retrieve the keys from her purse and then handed them to Micheal .

Micheal looked shocked and held them with a confused expression.

"Go on , you drive us , I'll tell you where to go "Polly said excitedly

"I've only ever driven tractors " Michael admitted

"Not to worry , we'll take it slow " Polly said

Charlotte sighed and got in the car

"If I die because of this then I'll never forgive you "  Charlotte said the Micheal with a smirk

Micheal smiled back and got himself comfort in the drivers seat .

After a while of bumpy driving and restarting they finally made it to a row of suburb houses . Each one with a personal drive and piece of greenery .

Michael pulled outside  one of the houses and parked the car .

"That was great , well done . Out we get then  "said Polly as she smiled at Micheal .

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