The Lore of the Dustum Khanate

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In the mountains live the Dustum people.

The Dustum Khanate was formed by Dustum Monchug with the support of Nomadic tribes furious with the Empire's imperial taxation and laws. When the Empire weakened, Dustum saw his opportunity and bounced on the exhausted legions.

The mountains cheered his name as the Khanate consolidated power, but such power doesn't come without a price. Many tribal leaders sought to become Khan after Dustum passed away in his sleep at 31 presumably poisoned without any heirs to pass the Crown onto.

It created a power vacuum that almost fractured the Khanate, but a young and ambitious general called Piyu united the Khanate and declared himself Khan of all 19 tribes.

Many don't support Piyu, but with the tribes on his side, he rules by default, but one event could topple the paper dragon and show the tribes that support him just how weak he truly is.

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