𝓍𝓍𝓍𝒾, wonderwall.

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chapter thirty-one, wonderwall.


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Two years had passed, Baelon was now six, a spitting image of Aegon, with silver hair just below his ears and his violet eyes getting more brighter as the days pass. Rhaella was five, her childhood clinginess to Aegon and Alana had drifted away, becoming more independent but still somewhat clingy. Elaena had grown in a beautiful two year old she looked a lot like Alana, her silver hair passed her ears just like Baelon's hair was like, her eyes were brown just like Alana's, much like Rhaella had been Elaena had became more clingy and hated leaving Aegon or Alana's side, Elaena's she-dragon Kaleesa had hatched just a day after her one year name day.

Alana was eight long moons full with child yet again, much like when Alana was full with Elaena this pregnancy was very difficult.

One evening, Alana sat in the nursery watching over her children who slept peacefully in their respective beds. Aegon walked into the room, a weary look on his face. He walked to Alana, approaching her slowly, his gaze on her swollen stomach.

He let out a breath before he sat next to her on the chair, grabbing her hand and intertwining their hands together. "My father's health is declining faster."

Alana looked at him, rubbing her thumb on his knuckles. "You saw him?"

Aegon shook his head, "My mother told me. She doesn't think he'll survive the next three moons or so." He looked at her, he wasn't particularly sad about his father dying, it was the fact what would happen after this death.

Alana nodded, squeezing his hand, looking down at their intertwined hands.


The next day at the gardens, the summer sun was hot and the sun was bright. Aegon and Alana sat on the grass, with Elaena who sat on Aegon's lap looking at some flower's her siblings picked earlier. Rhaella and Baelon walked around the gardens picking flowers, but were close enough that Alana and Aegon could see them.

Aegon held out a pink tulip for Elaena, her little fingers inspected the flowers, tracing the flower petals' gently. "Dada." Elaena looked at back at Aegon, pointing to the flower in his hands.

"Yes, It's a flower my sweet." Aegon smiled, looking down at Elaena.

"Mummy." Elaena looked at Alana, before pointing the tulip. "F-flower."

Alana smiled, brushing a stray strand behind Elaena's ear. "Yes, that's right my darling. A pink tulip."

Elaena's brown eyes lit up in happiness at Alana's praise, her chubby cheeks rising in the biggest smile.

Aegon smiled at his daughter, before looking up at Alana, the slight wind of the breeze brushing her brown waves of hair behind her back.

Alana noticed Aegon stare at her, and gave him a smile. Before looking at Rhaella and Baelon picking flowers. "I do not think they are supposed to be picking flowers out of the ground.."

Aegon chuckled, his gaze following hers to look at Rhaella and Baelon. Elaena's gaze on the tulip infront of her, grinning happily. "No, they aren't..but I'm sure it'll be fine.."

Alana let out a sigh of disapproval, she would have gotten up scolding her children, but she was heavily pregnant and didn't want to stand right now. "I'm heavy with child, can you tell them to stop?"

Aegon gave Alana a smile, and nodded. Handing Elaena to Alana.


Evening had fallen, the Red Keep was quiet. The children were all asleep in the nursery and now Alana and Aegon laid in their bed, lying side by side, Aegon staring at the ceiling and Alana laying on her side, her large stomach making it uncomfortable to sleep but the position she was in now was comfortable for her, for now.

Aegon glanced at Alana, seeing her with her eyes closed a hand on her stomach, he watched the slight rise and fall of her stomach, indicating that she was still awake.

Aegon reached out to press his hand on her stomach, feeling the slight movements of the babe. His fingers traced along her clothed stomach, before slowly intertwining his hands with hers on her stomach.

"Can't sleep?" Aegon spoke up, his own voice filled with a tiredness and love.

"No." Alana shook her head, opening her eyes, looking back at him. "Just enjoying the moment."

Aegon nodded, smiling to her before pressing a kiss on her head, pulling her closer to him, so his chest pressed against her back. "You do look beautiful, especially full with our child."

Alana smiled, closing her eyes relaxing in his embrace. "I can't believe this is our fourth child, It feels like Baelon was just born.."

Aegon smiling before kissing her neck, "You should sleep..it's been a long day."

ugghh another filler chapter! sryyyy
next chapter will get more into season one....

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