-Chapter 3-

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"J...Jay? I...cooked some food..." Heesan hesitates not wanting to trigger Jay.
"Yeah..just place it down somewhere, I will eat later"
Jay responds cold not looking up.
"Jay, I heard the sobs."
Heesan says carefully,
"Do you want to talk about it with me?"
Jay answers. Heesan sighs
"Jay...I know it's a hard time but that doesn't mean you have to take the responsibility for all of us. We are a team, right?"
Jay nods.
"Then why do you isolate yourself from us? Why do you only show up when we are in a possible danger? Why do you want to do everything on your own?"
Heesan asks.
"Because I care about you, all of you. I couldnt forgive myself if..."
Jay stops.
"If one of us dies?"
Heesan asks and Jay nods slowly. "Jay...Jay look I and the others are really really grateful for you and your caring nature. But...I think we should protect each other. It shouldn't be you alone that protects us."
"Yes I know bu-"
Heesan interrupts Jay
"Also it wouldn't be your fault if one of us dies. It would be the fault of the curse."
Jay sighs.
"Maybe...maybe you are right. But...What if Jace is right all along? That I am Naive and stupid. Your idea with the cave was...actually really smart but...I just got blinded by my stupid over protectiveness! I...am sorry, really Heesan."
Heesan stares into Jay's eyes for a moment.
"N...no worries. Everything is fine. And No! No Jace is not right about you! Maybe his change in behavior has something to do with the death of his parents...but you are definitely not the reason!"
Jay looks out the window, the sun has set already and the world is dark.
"Do you really think this all happened because of the cave? That we got cursed, because we went inside there?"
Jay asks, more to himself than Heesan, while looking out of the window.
"I am not sure, it sounds to easy. But it's possible"
Heesan answers as he goes over to Jay. Jay sighs watching birds fly through the night sky.
"Heesan...It's all really much for me right now. I know that I am not a good friend lately..."
Heesan interrupts Jay
"No Jay. I...we know that you are doing everything you can right now and you are the best friend someone could wish for! And...Jay you should take a break. Do something for yourself. You know what I mean? You care and work so much for us, that you forget to take care of yourself."
"Because I am not important! I never was and I never will be! Not in the eyes of you, nor the eyes of my parents or ANYONE!"
Tears are shimmering in Jays eyes and he quickly turns away.
"Leave my room! Don't look at me!" Jay yells. Heesan hesitates. He wants to be there for Jay, not letting Jay fight everything alone again.
"No, no I won't Jay. Not again."
Heesan places a hand on Jays back. "You are important Jay. For me, for the others. Even if you don't realize it, for some reason. We all care about you, like you care about us"
"You don't know! You just don't know, Heesan! Leave!"
Jay responds.
"I told you. I won't."
Jay wipes his tears away and turns back to Heesan
"I will eat now. Please leave"
"No, Jay don't change the topic! I don't want to leave you alone again! Please just talk with me! Tell me what's going on!"
"Nothing! Why can't you just leave?!" "Because I won't leave you alone anymore! You are not okay! And something is going on! Now stop acting like you're so much better and you could fight everything alone and talk with me!"
Jay freezes at Heesan's words. "Heesan..."
Heesan places his hands on Jays shoulders
Jay hesitates and finally speaks
"I am trying. Not enough. Or maybe I am trying to hard. I don't think I am a good friend. I am isolating myself. But not because I research I...I am thinking much. To much. It breaks my mind...it breaks me...maybe."
Heesan hugs Jay.
"Then know, we and especially I am always here for you. Always."
Jays eyes fill with tears again and he hugs Heesan as well.
"Thank....thank you."

"Heesan! You took a long time. Did something happen?"
Niki asks as Heesan comes into their room.
"Yes, but its nothing you should worry about, okay?"
Heesan explains.
"Well, but I do! Tell me what happened!"
"Niki, we were just talking about something. But I don't think Jay would want that you know what we were talking about. Neither do I, I know you will just blame yourself again." "Fine..."
Niki says disappointed.
"Did you eat, Heesan?"
Niki asks suddenly. Heesan shakes his head
"When I came back the food was cold and I wasn't hungry anyway"
Niki punches Heesan on the shoulder. "You told me you keep an eye on eating!"
Niki says.
"Yes, yes sorry Niki."
Heesan answers chuckling.
"Don't joke about it!"
Heesan nods smiling.

"We should sleep now. It's late." Heesan says.
"Ugh, fine."
Niki agrees annoyed.
"Dont act like a child, Niki!"
Niki laughs and goes to sit on his bed.
"Promise me you wake me up if you can't sleep again okay?"
Heesan asks Niki. Niki agrees and Heesan turns the light of.

Heyo. This chapter was more focused on especially Jays feelings and situation. The other characters will be having a chapter focused on them too someday! But now we will continue with finding a way to break the curse :>
See you in the next chapter <3

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