Chapter 1

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On a routine mission following the battle at Cairo, Bumblebee, Jazz, Cliffjumper and Mirage heads into a deserted village and canyon in an attempt to jam Decepticon towers. They enters the facility, encountering no resistance whatsoever, much to their. However, the latter tells them to stay on guard, as the entire area makes a great Decepticon ambush point. Bumblebee, Jazz, Cliffjumper and Mirage succeeds in jamming the beacon and heads out of the facility, only to encounter Decepticon resistance in the form of a small army.

Bee, Jazz, Cliff and Mirage fights past them, making his way back to the village entrance, now finding three newly-placed jammers near the buildings. Whilst fighting, he manages to jam said beacons, before heading back to another beacon, only to be cornered by a mass group of Decepticons. Suddenly, Optimus and Sideswipe enter the fray, destroying the drones, saving Bumblebee, Jazz, Cliffjumper and Mirage and also leveling the opposing forces, and fight against Stockade.

After fighting off multiple waves of Decepticons and Killing Stockade, Bee, Jazz, Cliff, Mirage Sideswipe, and Prime all evacuate themselves, and return to base.

Playable Characters:






Optimus Prime





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