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Jeff's POV

"He loved her more than anybody could ever know. He loved her more than anybody. She was really beautiful, well at least that's what he says; from what I can remember he said she had long dirty, blond hair, bright hazel eyes." I started going into what I could remember from what BEN had told me. The story he told me was very long so I will just give her what I can remember. "Well these two really loved playing video games and that was their, well his, downfall."

"How?" Winnifred had said.

"Well they were looking for a video game that supposedly no matter who played they would lose because of some weird glitch it had. It was a puzzle, riddle like game. But thats all they knew. They didn't know that Zalgo, a powerful creepypasta, had cursed it." I turned around to look at Winnifred.

"Why did he curse it?" She asked.

"He cursed it because he needed a new soldier for his army. Just because he was an ass, whoever lost at the game they died. But if you won you became the new soldier, simple as that." I was getting off track an needed to hurry before BEN got back. "Well Ben and his girlfriend, Riley, found the game they got it from some shady kid at their old school." I had to take a deep breath because the next part was a little slow.

"Well Ben and Riley took like two, three days off from school just to beat that stupid game. And they were beating it because they both were playing it together. And Ben always used to say that she was his only second player." "So they were beating the game right and then the glitches would happen but since they were both gamers and Ben loved playing rare games, he knew what to do. They never played the game by themselves but if they did they had the other with them." "Well flash foward a few days, Ben had left to go home because his mom started yelling at him because he was skipping school. He had left the game with his girl. But he made her promise to not play it by herself just incase." I paused for dramatic effect. I looked over at Winnifred and her eyes were as big as saucers. I grinned knowing I had her full attention. So I took another deep breath because the thing coming up was a little bit too dramatic.
"Well as they say curiosty killed the cat. She had played the game without him that night. She was playing it by herself. Ben wasnt there to help her just in case she needed it. The game got worse and as the worse it got and the more she started losing the control attached itself to her hands and started shocking her; you know kind of like that little vibration the controler does when you are losing." "Well Ben was at his home and he had felt something wrong. So he just snuck out and went over to her house and when he got there he found a shocking a sight. He saw his beloved girlfriend getting her soul sucked out by the video game. He turned to look at the screen and he saw the words 'You Lose' he grabbed the nearest thing and smashed the gaming console. And then a loud voice spoke, it was Zalgo, of course, 'Who dares interfere?' And Ben didn't want to lose her so he yelled, 'Give her back!' And he responded with, 'And what do you bargain insolent human?' " " Now Ben didn't know what to do so he just said the first thing that came into his mind. " 'If I beat the game you must give her back!' Zalgo very well knowing what would happen simply laughed and said 'Very well' "

"Well Ben played the game and no matter how drained he was from the shocks he kept playing. And in the end he beat it. So Zalgo kept his word and gave his girlfriends soul back. And she came back to life Ben rushed over to her and kissed her. When she opened her eyes he cried because of how happy he was. And he held her. Then Zalgo interuppted it all 'Now you, the human named Ben, must come.' 'What? Why' Ben yelled. 'Well you beat the game now you must join me and become my soldier.' Ben couldn't believe his ears. 'Or' Zalgo said being the master of bargains he used his trick card, 'Ill take that humans soul back.' Ben not wanting to lose her said 'No! Ill go!' "

"Zalgo took him and he made him into a video game virus type demon. There were two reasons for that. One was because he needed a strong tech virus demon, the others are a bit flawed. And two to constantly remind him of what happened. When he made him he let him choose what he was attached to and he choose the first game he saw in Riley's room" I stopped because that was the end of that. I turned and let Winnifred process it all. And then she looked up and gave me a confused expression.

"Wait" she said.

"Ughhh, what now?" I said annoyed.

"If Ben became a soldier for Zalgos army how is he here?" She asked.

"Very good question, well he escaped one night and Slender helped him because Slender is very against Zalgos ideals. And to keep Zalgos army from getting too powerful." I finally finished. Winnie started yawning and she laid down and then was out like a light. I covered her up, put on my sleep mask and laid down next to her to go to sleep.

Authors Note: The song Gone Gone Gone I choose it because I felt like it fit Riley and Bens relationship.

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