The First Meeting

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Winnie's POV

That morning when I woke up I had already forgotten most of the dream but I still remembered that voice. Welp I got alot of chores and work ahead of me and if I want some free time I have to start right now.


THANK GLOB! I am done! Well almost I have to finish my homework and- That moment when I walked past my brothers room I saw the game it was on I swear I could have turned it off AND took the game out. I walked to the game and sat down as I started playing it the same glitches started coming up.As I sighed and threw the controller at the floor. Then I saw those words at the bottom of the screen it said "You shouldn't have done that..."

I freaked and was about to run when I saw something that made me want to scream but knowing it would get me yelled at I didn't all I manged was a small whimper.


As I was coming out of the screen to take my next victims life. I began to laugh it always filled me with joy to see my victims cowering in fear. "I told you, you shouldn't have done that...Now you've met with a terrible fate haven't you.." I said with a chuckle.

I reached for my sword to kill her. I could see the fear in her eyes and I quickly stabbed her, in her shoulder. I pulled out my sword I licked her blood off the blade. Then as I was going to stab her again, she reached up and caught my blade with her hands I stood there stunned but I soon quickly recovered. Oh, so this ones a fighter how fun will this be I thought to myself. I sometimes got a fighter but they would soon give up, though it did irritate me sometimes when they just wouldn't die. But then she said something that really shocked me

"No! I refuse to die! I always say I want to give up but I have alot of people I need to prove wrong!!" She said it with so much confidence.

I didn't know how to respond. But I noticed her hands were bleeding so I took the chance and knocked her down. I ran back to the game and jumped in but not before saying

"I'll be back and don't think I'll let you go so easily next time"

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