I can't explain it.

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*Bens PoV*

Winnie has been avoiding me lately thats why I went to school to get her to talk to me. But after I saw Riley again it seems that she has been avoiding me more. And I'm not sure why.

For some reason it upsets me that she doesn't want to talk to me or be near me. I get slightly jealous when she gives her attention to Jeff. Why doesn't she want to give me her attention? What did I do wrong?

I went to meet up Riley in the spot where we were reunited. I had worn human clothes instead of my link outfit and made myself appear human. I was wearing ripped black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt with black converse and a green beanie.

I was walking down the wooden trail when I saw her sitting on the ground sitting up, leaning against the tree with her headphones in and eyes closed. She had that look on her face that I loved. That look that was carefree and that she was completely tuned out.

I went up to her and tapped her shoulder causing her to open her eyes. She looked at me with those big blue eyes and gave me a glare for pulling her out of her zone. I sat down next to her and pulled out one of her headphones and put it in my ear.

Hearing her music put me off a bit because I had gotten so used to Winnies odd taste in music. Rileys music was all one genre while Winnies was a huge mix of music ranging from Kpop to R&B to Rock to Ballads. I tried to push Winnie out of my mind and I tried to focus on the music in my ears and the beautiful girl next to me.

I felt Riley intertwine our hands and lean against me. Again it felt odd again. They didn't feel like they fit toegther perfectly. Rileys hands were bigger than Winnies. That was another thing, I kept comparing Riley to Winnie and I had no idea why. I couldn't explain it.

I turned my head to look at Riley. She was talking about a new game she bought recently and how her mom tried to get her to buy a skirt even tho she hated them. But Winnie loves skirts...

I tried to shake my thoughts of Winnie again and looked at Riley. I took in every detail of her face. From the freckles on her nose to her long eyelashes to her rosy lips.

Those lips seemed to pull me in and they took me in. I kissed Riley with everything I had. I poured in every emotion I felt for her. I pulled her onto my lap and wrapped my arms around her waist as she tangled her fingers in my hair.

As I pulled away to look at her I saw black hair instead of blonde. I saw brown eyes instead of blue. I saw Winnie for a slight second then I saw Riley.

I jumped a bit.

Riley spoke up, "Whats wrong babe?"

"Nothing, I guess I'm just going crazy"

She giggled and I couldn't help but smile at her.

"I love you" Riley spoke.

"I love you too." I said back but for some reason those words didn't feel right. They felt out of place. Almost as if I didn't mean them.

Why?(A BEN drowned love story)Where stories live. Discover now