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The envelope sat on the kitchen counter, its crisp white surface marked with the official seal of my dream college. I'd been waiting for weeks to hear back, and now that the letter was finally here, I was too nervous to open it.

My hands shook as I fumbled with the edge of the envelope, trying to peel it open without tearing the precious contents inside. Finally, with a deep breath, I pulled out the letter.
The words on the page seemed to blur together as I scanned them, but then I saw it: "Congratulations! We are pleased to offer you admission to our program.
My heart leapt into my throat.
I read it again, just to be sure.
There it was in black and white. I had been accepted.

A wave of disbelief washed over me. I was so used to imagining this moment that I never really thought it would come true. I'd spent countless hours studying, preparing for interviews, and worrying about whether I was good enough. Now, all of that hard work had paid off.

I couldn't hold back my joy any longer. I rushed out of the kitchen, clutching the letter tightly, and headed for the living room where my parents were sitting. "Mom! Issac!" I called out, my voice barely containing my excitement.
They looked up from their respective activities, confusion quickly turning to curiosity as they saw the look on my face. I could hardly wait to share the news.
My mom had been sewing in her favorite armchair, while my brother, issac was playing video game.

Their surprised faces were enough to make my heart race even faster.I waved the letter in the air, barely able to keep still. "Look, look! I got accepted! I'm going to my dream college!"Their expressions changed instantly from confusion to joy. My mom's eyes filled with tears, and she jumped up to wrap me in a tight hug. "Oh, honey, I'm so proud of you!" she said, her voice choked with emotion. Issac stood up as well, his face breaking into a wide grin as he pulled me into a bear hug."I always knew you could do it," he said, his voice full of pride.

"All those late nights and hard work have paid off." We stood there for a moment, the three of us in a tight embrace, savoring the joy of the moment. It felt surreal to finally be here, celebrating this dream that had seemed so distant. My mom and issac had always supported me, but dad is not even here, he never saw me and issac his kid and hes probally fucking a slut, it was their belief in me that had kept me going through the tough times. but let forget that because The house was buzzing with energy as we all started making preparations. We should go out for dinner," my mom suggested. "Somewhere special to mark the occasion.
"Issac nodded in agreement. "And maybe we can invite Amara over for a small party afterward. It'll be nice to celebrate with everyone who's supported you."I felt a rush of gratitude and excitement. This wasn't just my achievement; it was a shared victory with everyone who had believed in me. The thought of celebrating with my loved ones made the accomplishment even more meaningful.
As we got ready for the evening, I found myself reflecting on the journey that had brought me here. It hadn't always been easy.

There were times when I doubted myself, times when the pressure felt overwhelming. But through it all, my family had been my rock, offering support and encouragement whenever I needed it. My mom helped me pick out a special dress  for the dinner it was a knee length, red pastel colored dress made of soft satin.

the fitted bodice and had a sweetheart neckline and delicate lace details , while the skirt flared out. Something elegant yet comfortable. We had chosen a nice restaurant in town, one with a reputation for great food and a warm atmosphere. I was excited to enjoy a meal out with my family, to celebrate the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.As we arrived at the restaurant, I felt a flutter of nerves mixed with anticipation. The place was charming, with soft lighting and a welcoming ambiance.

We were seated at a table that had been reserved in advance, and as we settled in, I could see the pride and happiness in my mom' eyes. The evening was filled with laughter and good food. We clinked glasses and toasted to my success, and the conversation flowed easily.

My brother told funny stories from the college, and my mom shared her excitement about the future.
It felt like the perfect celebration, a moment of joy and togetherness that I would cherish for a long time.

After dinner, we headed back home to continue the celebration with friend and family. Amara  stood up from the couch and she had a confestion "guys this might crazy but i had kept this secret since isa was talking about Riverside university  or should i say her dream college so i applied too and i got.. IN!" she came to me  and hugged me as i screamed in joy i cant believe my best friend is going to be in the same college as me, Our house was filled with laughter and chatter As the night drew to a close, I took a moment to reflect on everything that had happened. I felt a deep sense of accomplishment and gratitude.

This was just the beginning of a new chapter, and I was ready to face it with optimism and excitement. The road ahead would no doubt be challenging, but I knew I had the support of my family and friend to help me along the way.The celebration was a perfect start to this new journey, and I couldn't wait to see where it would lead. With my dream college in sight, I felt ready to embrace whatever came next, knowing that I had already achieved something incredible.

SOOO what did you think? was it good or boring, be honest LOLL anyways i had to make this chapter short and simple so you can understand the story better,
so am i going good? please let me know

and thank you for taking time to read this book love YALLL

Words: 1080

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