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I stared at my reflection in the mirror, barely recognizing the girl looking back at me. The dress Amara had convinced me to wear shimmered in the light, hugging my curves in a way that made me feel both bold and vulnerable. It wasn't my usual style, but tonight wasn't a usual night.

"You're going to turn heads, Isa," Amara said, smiling as she adjusted her black glasses. She was dressed in her signature all-white outfit, looking effortlessly chic as always.

"I don't know if that's a good thing," I muttered, smoothing down the fabric nervously.

"Of course, it is! You're the talk of the town, remember? The girl who caught Seb's eye," she teased, lightly nudging me.

I winced at the reminder. Ever since that day in the courtyard when Seb had unexpectedly spoken to me—actually spoken to me—I'd been the subject of endless whispers. Seb wasn't known for talking to girls, or to anyone, really, unless he had to. So, when word got out that he'd been seen conversing with me, it spread like wildfire.

And that's why I was here, preparing to walk into the lion's den—Sophia's birthday party. The only reason I'd been invited was because I was now the hot topic, the girl everyone wanted to know more about.

"You'll be fine," Amara reassured me as we left the apartment. "Just stick close to me, and we'll get through this together."

The drive to Sophia's mansion felt surreal. The last time I'd been anywhere near this kind of opulence was... well, never. But tonight, I'd be surrounded by it—wealth, power, and a whole lot of people who probably didn't think I belonged.

When we arrived, the grandeur of the mansion took my breath away. Valets moved with practiced efficiency, guiding us toward the entrance where a red carpet led inside. It was like stepping into another world, one that glittered and shined but felt cold and unwelcoming.

As we entered, the noise of the party enveloped us. Laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses filled the air. The guests were as dazzling as the decor, dressed in the kind of designer clothes I'd only ever seen in magazines.

And then I spotted her—Sophia, the birthday girl. She was holding court at the center of the room, surrounded by admirers. Her smile was bright, but even from a distance, I could sense the calculation behind it. She spotted us almost immediately and made her way over, her eyes locking onto mine with an unsettling intensity.

"Isa! Amara!" Sophia greeted us with open arms, her tone overly sweet. "I'm so glad you could make it!"

"Happy birthday, Sophia," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. I could feel the eyes of the crowd on us, on me, and it made my skin prickle.

Sophia leaned in to give me a quick, perfumed hug. "Thank you, darling. You look absolutely stunning tonight. I knew that dress would suit you."

I blinked in surprise. "You... knew?"

"Of course! When I sent the invite, I had a feeling you'd wear something like this. You've been quite the sensation lately, haven't you? Everyone's dying to know more about the girl who caught Sebastian's attention." Her words dripped with honey, but there was an unmistakable venom underneath.

I forced a smile. "I'm just as surprised as anyone."

"Oh, don't be modest, Isa. It's refreshing, really. A girl like you, so... unexpected," she said, her eyes flicking over me, evaluating. "But you should be careful. It's a big responsibility, having so many eyes on you. People might start to wonder why you're getting all this attention."

Before I could respond, Sophia's expression shifted, her smile widening as she looked past me. "Speaking of which, here he is now."

I turned to see Seb entering the room, his presence commanding attention even among the elite. He was as cool and distant as ever, his eyes scanning the crowd until they landed on us—on me. I felt my breath hitch as our gazes locked for a brief moment.

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