Chapter 9

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The next morning, at the carriage, P.T. was singing while driving and in the carriage, the troupes and Grace sees Flik looking sad

"Poor fellow" Slim said

"Hey, maybe we can cheer him up a bit" Francis said and so they went up to him

"Don't worry, Flik. The circus life isn't so bad" Heimlich said

"Yes, you can be part of our act" Slim said

"Here! Like this" Francis said

Francis slapped Slim, he tipped over and Francis caught him

"Slapstick! Get it? I... I'm a walking stick" Slim said but Flik wasn't buying it "oh, never mind"

"Flik! Grace!" Dot called

"Dot?" Flik and Grace said

"Flik, Grace, wait! Wait!" Dot said and as she flying to them

"Dot, you're flying!" Flik caught Dot and pulled her down

"What are you doing here?" Grace asked

"You guys have to go back" Dot panting "Hopper moved into the anthill, and his gang's eating everything!"

"Oh, no!" Heimlich said

"Good heavens!" Manny said

"And I heard a grasshopper say that when they're finished, Hopper's gonna squish my mom!" Dot said

"Oh, not the Queen!" Heimlich said

"We got to do something!" Rosie said

"How?" Slim asked

"Come on, you guys, think!" Rosie said

"I know. The bird" Gypsy said

"Yes, of course" Manny agreed

"The bird! That's brilliant" Slim said

"The bird won't work" Flik said when they turn and sees him sitting on the pencil bench

"What are you talking about? It was your idea" Francis said

"But you said that everything..." Grace said

"Forget everything I ever told you. All right, Grace?" Flik interrupted "let's face it. The colony is right. I just make things worse. That bird is a guaranteed failure, just like me"

"You listen to me, my boy. I've made a living out of being a failure" Manny said "and you, sir, are not a failure!"

"Oh, but Flik, you've done so many good things" Rosie said

"Oh, yeah? Okay, show me one thing I've done right" Flik said

The troupes tries to think

"Us" Dim said

"Yeah, yeah" the troupes said

"Dim is right, my boy. You have rekindled the long-dormant embers of purpose in our lives" Manny said

"And if it wasn't for you, Francis would have never gotten in touch with his feminine side" Slim said

"Oh, yeah?! Well..." Francis was about to attack him but he realized it "you know what? He's right"

"Lieutenant Gypsy reporting for duty" Gypsy said

"Kid, say the word, and we'll follow you into battle" Francis said

"We believe in you, my boy" Manny said

"Flik, please?" Grace begged

Flik doesn't move. Dot flies off, picks up a rock from the ground and brings it to Flik

"Pretend it's a seed, okay?" Dot asked

Flik slowly lifts his head and a smile spreads on his face

"Thanks, Dot" Flik said

Dot ran to him and they hugged

"Hey, what's with the rock?" Francis asked

"Must be an ant thing" Slim said

"All right, let's do it" Flik said

"That's the Flik we know and love" Gypsy said

"We're on!" Manny said

"So, what do we do first?" Rosie asked and they started with a plan

Meanwhile, P.T. was still singing till Francis flew to him

"P.T., look! Money!" Francis said

"Where? Where?" P.T. said as he turns around, sees Rosie spreading her webs to him and he screams

Later at night, they were on the hill, hiding while Flik was looking through the telescope and seeing the grasshoppers rounding the ants up

"They're rounding everyone up" Flik said

Then the firefly turned its light on

"Hey! Turn your butt off" Francis said and the firefly turned it off

As the other bugs trapped P.T., Flik looked through the telescope and seeing the ants collecting the food

"Oh, no! They've finished collecting the food" Flik said "we've got to get the queen now. Once she's safe, we move on Gypsy's signal"

They agreed, the troupes went back to the carriage while Flik, Dot and Grace went off to the Blueberry Clubhouse

"Someone's coming!" Blueberry Troop #1 gasped

"Hello, kids!" Flik said when Dot and Grace slid down "ready to make some grasshoppers cry?"

"It's payback time, Blueberry-style" Dot said

"Blueberries rock!" Blueberry Troop #2 said and they cheered

When the troupes were down there, performing, Flik, Dot, Grace and the girl ants were climbing up the tree to get to the bird, they went in the bird and starting preparing

"Blueberries ready?" Flik asked

"Ready" they said

Flik checked to see the boy ants were prepared and they were

Then Gypsy was giving them the signal

"That's the signal. That's the signal!" Flik tells the boy ants and they released the rock "this is it, girls. Get ready to roll"

But then the rock was stuck, the boy ants ran to it and started pushing it but it was no use. Then they spotted sticks with rocks, so they used to knock down the stick that was secured the bird, they succeed and they were flying down

"Hold on" Flik said to the girls

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