Chapter 11

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The next day, the ants and circus bugs joyfully gathering among blooming flowers

Rosie sees Dim looking suspicious

"Dim!" Rosie said

"Oh..." Dim opens his shell to reveal ant kids attempting to secretly ride him

The ant kids moan

"I'm so sorry, kids. I wish you could come along, too"

The Blueberry troop tearfully hugs Francis

"I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry" Francis quavering

Tuck and Roll perform a skit using Hopper's antenna

"Hey, let's go. We got a schedule to keep. Come on. Let's go" P.T. said

A number of ants cartwheel into the wagon

"Hey, Tiny! Let's get this show packed up! We got paying customers hatching!" P.T. said

Molt carries supplies into the wagon

"Yes, Mr. Flea. Yes, sir. Of course, sir. Right away, sir. And, um, I just wanted to thank you for giving me a chance, because it's an honor to work with creative giants such as yourself" Molt said and P.T. motions the fireflies to close the wagon door "shutting up"

P.T. jumps on top of the wagon

"You sure you can't come on tour with us?" P.T. asked Flik

"Sorry. My place is here" Flik said

"Good answer" Atta said quietly

""Oh, well. Your loss. One minute, insects!" P.T. said and jumps off

Flik and Atta walk over to the circus troupe

"I want to thank all of you for giving us back our hope, our dignity...and our lives" Atta said

"And to you, Princess Atta. You have given us so much" Slim said "please accept this gift from us bugs to you ants"

Manny twirls a leaf and produces a large rock, handing it to Atta

"For you!" Manny said

"Oh!" Atta chuckles "it's a rock"

Manny, Slim and Francis congratulate each other

"What's with the rock?" Cornelius asked Thorny

"Must be a circus thing" Thorny said

Dot and Grace giggles

"Well, Flik, you really goofed up" Rosie quavering "thanks"

"Yeah. You, too" Flik quavering

Rosie begins to clap for Flik, followed by the rest of the troupe and the entire ant colony. Atta kisses Flik on the cheek. The Queen removes Atta's tiara and gives her own crown to her. Atta tosses her tiara to Dot who flies up and catches it on her head and giggles

"All right. Now it's getting mushy. We're out of here!" P.T. sniffles and snapped the centipedes, Dim picks the carriage up and flew away

"See you next season!" Rosie said

"See you, Flik!" Francis said

"Bye! We miss you already!" Rosie said

"You fired!" Tucks said

"You fired!" Roll said

"We forgot Heimlich!" Slim gasped

A chrysalis hangs on a nearby tree root. It opens to reveal Heimlich's face

"I'm finished! Finally, I'm a beautiful butterfly!" Heimlich said

Heimlich struggles and slides out of the chrysalis, looking largely the same as before but now a green and blue color and with two bulges on his back, he grunts and two tiny butterfly wings pop out of the bulges

"Mein wings! Oh, they're beautiful!" Heimlich said

"Heimlich! The wagon's taking off! You better start flying!" Flik said

Flik and other ants lift up Heimlich

"But I am flying! And from way up here, you all look like little ants!" Heimlich said as Francis and Manny fly down and carry Heimlich away "Auf Wiedersehen!"

"Bye!" Flik said

Atta and Dot lift Flik and Grace up and land on the root. They wave goodbye to the circus troupe. Thorny and the harvester-wearing ants line up

"Present stalks!" Thorny said

The ants face backward

"Harvester, salute!" Thorny said

The harvesters launch their stalks into the air, crashing into each other and producing fireworks like showers of grain. Flik and Atta hold hands as they, Grace and Dot continue waving goodbye

Then the wind came and the light appeared and it showed

"Wha-what's going on?" Atta asked

"It's okay Atta, it's the light that takes me back to the orphanage" Grace said "well guys, I guess this is goodbye"

"We'll miss you, Grace" Flik said as he kneed down and hugged her

Then Atta and Dot joined the hug, as they let go, Grace goes into the light and was turned back into a human

"WHAT?!" Flik and Atta shocked

"Grace is a human?" Dot said

"This is amazing" Flik said

But then the light was slowly disappearing and so they waved each other goodbye as the light fully disappeared

"Grace, I'm back" Lilly said as she was running to her "shall we keep playing?"

"Oh yeah, sure" Grace said

So Grace and Lilly continued playing

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