27| How Tempting

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Mr Black had disappeared the moment dinner had finished.

It was like he couldn't get away fast enough.

I wasn’t sure why the thought of that had sent a pang of discomfort stabbing through my chest. I knew where we stood. I shouldn't have been feeling any type of way.

The delicious food had gone down hard the moment I had sat down next to him, after his brother seemed to insist.

It was odd. The brothers had shared a look. Mr Black's was thunderous, murderous and his brother was smiling mischievously, grinning like he had won some kind of challenge between the two of them. It was sibling rivalry at its best, and I found myself curious.

What could it possible be?

I could hardly wrap my mind around everything I had discovered tonight. That he had a twin brother that looked exactly like him and also words apart. They were similar in physical looks, but their personalities couldn't have been further apart. While it seemed that Mr Black had a dangerous and boss-like energy surrounding him, his brother was the joker, although still carrying a similar air to his brother—all cracking knuckles and breaking noses. He had kept my parents preoccupied with silly banter while I sat on the other side of the table and next to the quiet and broody brother, all but aware of his gaze flickering to me every so often.

My eyes might have doing the same thing.

Ashton sat in silence during dinner and mostly checked his phone under the table. My mother had stubbed him in the side a few times but my brother couldn’t give a shit. I knew he made sure that my father wasn't paying attention before typing away.

Helena often joined in the talk between the grown-ups, and her replies were dark and snarky. Easy flowing and ever-so cold. I would have believed her to be married to the man next to her even if he didn't have a brother. They really looked good together, and I was envious. She was everything.

Leeh would have a field day the moment I got home. I hadn't thought to text her, but thought about slipping to the toilet as our dinner plates were collected. Ashton had begged my father to leave for the party and when Mr Black's brother had heard, he had insisted. He sounded so convincing, urging my father to let him go and have fun. My father had melted. It was something I never thought I would witness, but I did.

Then he turned those crazy eyes towards me and asked me if I wanted to do the same thing. I was aware of the pairs of eyes on me as everyone waited for my response. I opened my mouth to respond, but he spoke again.

“You should stay.” He was grinning again. “Explore the grounds, if you will. It is truly a beautiful sight.”

Something about the way he had said that had my throat dry. Could he possibly know that I had been here? I hadn’t seen him here the last time, but I knew he lived here. Anybody could have mentioned my presence.

“And you do not need to worry about being alone. We have plenty of security. You'd be completely safe and sound.”

It was creepy how he was an identical twin. I didn’t like that he looked like Mr Black. I looked into those vividly evil eyes and I knew that he was telling the truth.

My mother nodded me with earnest eyes and I had a feeling she didn’t want me to decline. So I had agreed. She looked relieved, I could tell by the way her tense shoulders sagged and she smiled at my father.

And that's how I found myself almost alone after Mr Black and my brother had left. The room felt oddly cold after his departure, and I watched as Helena beckoned two guards towards her. They obeyed with immediate affect, and upon being in earshot, she told them to escorts my mother and father to the other room upstairs for drinks. My mom kissed my cheek and urged me once more to have fun exploring. She reminded me to relax too.

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