Mission 1: Death upon the weak

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Life Is always grim, wake up, and get beat every day It has been repeating on a loop every day nothing has changed, the world was gifted with many abilities as wild as your imagination, but I wasn't gifted, I'm what most refer to as quirk less, I had a dream to be a hero but that all died on my 5th birthday.

Katsuki:(sadistic) Come on Deku get up you worthless trash

Izuku tried to get up but his bloodied and bruised body forced itself up but struggled, the pain and tingling of forcing his body was excruciating, just as he raised his head he felt two hands being placed over his face then both bakugo twins blasted him in the face blasting out his eye they didn't notice it by the amount of blood already on him

He screamed in pain and wet himself from the pain, his body was telling him to run while giving up on him but he couldn't his body was in shock, he held his hand over his socket but they pulled him aside and forced him back onto the ground

Both Todoroki twins laughed at him and then proceeded to burn him Shoto burnt his arm and Shoka burnt his back, his screams echoed around the area but fell on deaf ears, no one was coming for him one thing rang through his mind "I'm going to die today"

He was on the verge of passing out from the pain when the last thing he heard was from his sister

Izumi: die in a ditch you useless Deku

They all laughed at his body twitching on the ground, After laughing at how pathetic he was on the ground they walked away feeling proud of themselves and decided to leave him be for the rest of the day.

Izuku's body started becoming cold from blood running from his broken little body, the feeling of pain subsided and slowly went away as the blood left his body leaving him numb, it started to drizzle then full-on rain started spreading the pool of blood around him further.

Izuku(blacking out) I give up...

His eye closed never to be opened again.

A man searching around Japan came across his body and immediately went into action it was the person he had been looking for, for a good 5 years but in the state and on the brink of death the man created a portal out of fire and took the both of them through it leaving behind the few pieces of flesh on the ground and the huge pool of blood being diluted with the water

On the other side of the portal

The man just came through with Izuku


doctors all around the facility came running to his aid, they took Izuku's body from the man and took him to surgery instantly to try and save him before it was too late

Once the doors closed, he fell to his knees and looked at the blood on his hands, his heart was racing nothing made sense he thought Izuku would be fine yet he wasn't, he was so far from being safe

He heard a few people come running to him but ignored them

???:(worried) Hisashi you ok man what the hell happened?

A man covered in scars placed his hand on his back and saw the amount of blood and only feared the worst for his friend

???:(worried) You only stepped out a few minutes ago what happened who's blood is that?

Another man with softer features and fewer scars placed a cloth in his hand to wipe the blood away but Hisashi was still in shock

???:(worried) My love are you okay

The lady crouched beside him and he pulled her into a hug forcing himself not to cry

Hisashi:(trying not to cry) it's...iz..iz..Izuku's blood I found him on the brink of death my son was murdered

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