chapter 13

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Simon's pov:

Charlie and Nick will be staying home from school for at least two weeks. Nick is doing everything he can to get his boyfriend to recover as quickly as possible. He was discharged the day before yesterday from the hospital, we all went to see him and he was not as good as ever, of course, it just hurts to see him in those conditions. He was always happy and funny, always ready to have fun and entertain, seeing him in those conditions breaks your heart.

Nick keeps up with all his medicines and the different times he has to take them, keeps the house clean and tidy, cooks, he does everything himself. He doesn't mind doing all these things he would do everything for the person he loves. Char is not in a position to go out, and their fridge is crying, so he asked us if we could kindly do some shopping for the two of them. Isaac and I immediately accepted without any problem, toa is out doing a meeting for a film he is making, and we are so excited for him.

Wilhelm's Pov:

Simon and I have to go shopping for Charlie and nick today, toa won't be there because he has a meeting for the film he is doing. I'm so proud of him! He has been working so hard to make this film for years and years without ever giving up even a second. That boy deserves it.

I've been pretty upset for a few days because I want to tell Simon how I feel about him. I never found the right time... since today we would be alone and I feel ready, I will tell him. The fear of ruining a beautiful friendship is high, but he means a lot to me and he knows me better than anyone, so he needs to know. I've been keeping everything inside for too long and I feel that I could explode at any moment.

Simon and I are on the bus to go to the supermarket. It takes twenty minutes if we take the bus, half, however, if we take the car what an injustice!

It's cold outside and every now and then I feel like shaking, but my hands are sweating from agitation. I really don't know where to start! It's already the third time that I turn to him and look at him with a worried air, I open my mouth, but no words come out. He has noticed it and keeps asking me what is wrong with me, and I reply that I'm fine, as if he believed it...

"It's cold today" God, what's on my mind?

"Keep my jacket" he is about to take it off, but I block him, although I want to wear his jacket with all my heart, something blocks me.

"  no there is no need"

"Come here" our eyes meet each other. I notice a different light than usual; he seems worried and sad. He holds me in his arms and immediately I begin to tremble, but not from the cold. His warmth slowly warms me, and I manage to calm down a bit.

"Simon tells me what happens" his voice is calm and somehow affects me positively.

"I-I" he takes my inhaler out of my pocket before the irreparable can happen.

"Simon, I can't see you like that. I've been seeing you strange for days, I immediately thought it was nothing, but now I'm worrying" I sit composed and turn to him. He takes my hands as if to encourage me to speak.

"There is a person in my life. I immediately thought it was a crush and therefore I didn't give it so much importance. But then things changed, his feelings towards... he grew and now I realized that I can't be without that person" an ait of sadness appears on his face, and he lowers his eyes, but then he looks up immediately.

''Simon, you're in love, I understand. Tell me more about this girl. And why did you never tell me anything?"

"Wilhelm, I" some tears threaten to come out, but I chase them away "The problem is that. It's not a girl"

"You said." It's not a problem that she's not a girl. It's not a problem at all"


"Of course!" "Fuck that's why you didn't tell me!"

"Actually, it's not for that reason..."

"For what?"

"You know this person." he raises his eyebrows and signals me to continue, but i'm completely stuck, i don't know how to continue.

"Is it Nick?" I nod my head in denial. i shake my head "Charlie?" I whisper a slight no "is it me?" I look down and nod my head yes. I don't have the courage to look him in the eye.

Wilhelm's Pov:
It's me, I'm the person Simon likes. I cannot believe it! He has his head down and can't look me in the eye. I take his chin with my index finger and force him to look into my eyes. Tears stream down his beautiful face and I hurry to dry with the sleeve of my sweatshirt. I just want to kiss him.

"Simon, I didn't this this moment would ever come"

Having said that, I place my lips on his and kiss him. His lips are warm and soft. I've been waiting for this moment for so long. Without thinking for a second, he kisses me back. I leave him a gentle caress on the cheek, and he smiles on my lips. We break away from the kiss and rest my head on his shoulder. Now I understand why he was shaking.

"it's not my intention to spoil the moment, but we missed our stop" he has red cheeks, he's still embarrassed by the kiss, he's adorable.

"Oops, your lips distracted me" he turns even more red. I take his face in my hands and leave him lots for kisses all over the face. He gives me a light tap on the cheek and we start laughing for no reason.

We get off the bus at the next stop and set out on foot, hand in hand with the person we love.

"Shall we tell the boys about the two of us?" I honestly hadn't thought of that, it happened all so fast.

"Well obviously Charlie and nick will have nothing against it, but toa?"

"Toa what?"

"We've been best friends for years and I don't want him to think badly. We have slept together many times, what will he think?" I don't think he's that kind of guy, but this is a good point

"You're right... "he nods and looks in front of him "and our parents?"

"Simon please, we can't tell my parents. My father would do anything and everything to me and my mother is not in a position to defend me" unfortunately my family is a total mess. I love Simon and I would just love to let the whole world know that he is mine and mine only, but my parents would never want a son like me, it's a fucking fact and I've already accepted it.

"I'm sorry to say, but you're right in this case too. I many not tell my mom too, in case she says something to your parents. Okay?" his Monther is one of the sweetest people I know, obviously after her son. She adores me and I adore her. I am very sure that she will have nothing against it, but for now less people know better it is.

"Thank you love, thank you" I stop him and, since there's hardly anyone, without being seen, i give him a kiss.

We set off to the supermarket to do the shopping as planned but this time as a couple!

Hope you all like this chapter and sorry it took a while to come out i will try and get the next chapter out a bit faster

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