Part 12

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As Tim glanced up from his phone, he saw Olivia standing in the doorway of his room, looking pale and uneasy. He quickly got up from his bed and went over to her, gently placing his hand on her forehead to check for a fever.
Tim- (concerned) You don't have a fever, thank goodness. How are you feeling?
Olivia- My tummy really hurts, and I feel kinda dizzy. Can I... can I sleep in your bed tonight?
Tim- Of course, Liv. Come on.
Tim helped Olivia into his bed, making sure she was comfortable. He pulled the covers up to her chin and sat down beside her.
Tim- Can you tell me more about how you're feeling? Did you eat anything that might have upset your stomach?
Olivia- I'm not sure. I had the same thing as you.
Tim's concern deepened as Olivia mentioned she had eaten the same thing as him. He began to consider whether there might have been something in the food that could be causing her discomfort.
Tim- You had the same thing as me? So, it might not be the food then. Can you think of anything else that might be bothering you?
Olivia- I don't know. My stomach just feels really weird.
Tim- Okay. It could be a stomach bug or maybe something else. Let's take it easy for tonight. I'll get you some medicine and make you a bit of tea to help soothe your stomach.
Tim carefully got up from the bed and made his way downstairs. He retrieved some over-the-counter medicine for upset stomachs and grabbed a bottle of water. While waiting for the water to boil, he made a quick cup of herbal tea—ginger, which was known for its stomach-soothing properties. He also brought some water and a bucket with him, just in case.
He headed back upstairs, balancing the items in his hands. As he approached his room, he noticed the bathroom light was on and the door slightly ajar. His heart skipped a beat as he walked over, realizing that Olivia wasn't in bed. He quickly put the things down and went to check on her.
He moved behind Olivia and gently held her hair away from her face, smoothing her back as she continued to be sick.
Tim- Just let it out. I've got you.
After a few moments, Olivia seemed to finish, and she sat back, looking drained. Tim handed her a damp washcloth to wipe her face and offered her some water.
Tim- Here, take a sip of this water. I also made some tea for you, which might help calm your stomach.
Olivia took a small sip of water, then looked at Tim with a weak smile of gratitude.
Olivia- Thanks, Dad.
Tim helped Olivia back to bed, giving her some medicine and making sure she was as comfortable as possible. He placed the bucket within easy reach, just in case, and set the tea and water on the bedside table.
Tim watched as Olivia settled back into bed, his worry not easing. He gently smoothed her hair and pulled the covers up to her chin.
Tim- Try to get some rest now. I'll be right here if you need anything.
Olivia closed her eyes, but it wasn't long before she began to shift uncomfortably. Tim could see the distress on her face as she twisted and turned, unable to find a comfortable position. His concern grew as she suddenly sat up, her breathing quickening.
Olivia- Dad, I... I think I'm going to...
Before she could finish her sentence, Olivia bolted out of bed and hurried towards the bathroom. Tim's heart raced as he followed her, reaching the door just as she stumbled inside. He could hear the faint sounds of her struggling and knew she was having another bout of nausea.
Again, Tim quickly moved behind her, gently holding her hair back and rubbing her back in comforting circles.
Tim- It's okay, Sweetheart. Just take your time.
Olivia gripped the sides of the toilet, trying to steady herself. Tim continued to hold her hair away from her face and whispered reassuring words. After a few moments, Olivia finally began to calm down, though she looked pale and exhausted.
Tim- Let me help you clean up.
Tim grabbed the damp washcloth from the counter and offered it to her. Olivia wiped her face, taking deep breaths to steady herself.
As Olivia wiped her face with the damp washcloth, she looked up at Tim with eyes that reflected her exhaustion and discomfort.
Olivia- Dad, I feel awful. My stomach hurts, and I just can't stop feeling sick.
His heart ached at the sight of her distress. He gently patted her back, trying to offer some comfort amidst her discomfort.
Tim's voice was gentle, full of empathy. He rubbed Olivia's back soothingly, trying to provide any bit of comfort he could.
Tim- I know, Livi. And I wish I could take away your discomfort. It's really hard to see you like this, but we'll get through it.
Olivia gave a small nod, her eyes still closed as she tried to steady her breathing. Tim handed her the damp washcloth to wipe her face again if she needed it.
Tim- How about we get you settled back into bed?
As Tim suggested they head back to bed, Olivia shook her head weakly, her eyes half-closed as she leaned against the cool tile wall.
Olivia- (whispering) No, Dad... The bathroom floor is more comfortable than it looks.
Tim looked at her with a mix of concern and sympathy. He knew she was trying to be tough, but seeing her like this broke his heart.
Tim- The bathroom floor might feel cool, but it's not the best place to rest.
Olivia- (weakly) I know... but I just don't want to get up right now.
Tim hesitated for a moment, wanting to respect her wishes but also knowing that she needed proper rest. He nodded, making a decision.
Tim- Alright, Sweetheart. You stay here. I'll be right back with your tea.
He left the bathroom, moving to the nightstand to retrieve the cup of ginger tea he had made earlier, still warm in the thermos cup. When he returned to the bathroom, he paused at the door. Olivia was almost asleep, her head leaning against the wall, half hanging down. The sight made his chest tighten with concern.
Tim set the tea down on the counter and knelt beside her, watching her for a moment. Her breathing had slowed, and she seemed to be drifting off. He waited a little longer, making sure she was truly asleep before gently moving closer.
With careful hands, Tim slipped one arm under Olivia's knees and the other around her back. He lifted her as gently as he could, careful not to wake her, and carried her back to his bed. She stirred slightly in his arms but didn't wake, too exhausted to notice.
Tim placed her softly onto the bed, tucking her under the covers with all the care in the world. He brushed a few stray strands of hair from her face and adjusted the pillow under her head, making sure she was comfortable.
Tim- (whispering) Sleep well, Sweetheart. I'm right here. I love you.

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