Part 16

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Once there, Tim changed into something more comfortable and settled onto his bed. He grabbed the remote, intending to watch a game he had recorded earlier, but found himself distracted by his phone. He scrolled through some messages, checking in on a few things, when a new text from Lucy popped up.

Lucy: How are you holding up? Need anything?
Tim couldn't help but smile at her text. He quickly typed out a response.
Tim couldn't help but smile at Lucy's text. He quickly typed out a response.
Tim: Just got Olivia to bed. Was about to watch the football game I recorded.
Lucy: Sounds like a plan. I should probably leave you to it then.
Tim hesitated for a moment before typing back, not wanting the conversation to end just yet.
Tim: Nah, it's fine. It's not live. I recorded it, but John kind of spoiled the result for me earlier. So, no real sense in watching it now.
As the game played on in the background, Tim found himself more interested in his conversation with Lucy. The day had been long, but moments like this—quiet, personal, and connecting—made it feel complete.
Lucy: Ugh, don't you hate it when that happens? He couldn't help himself, huh?
Tim: You know John. He got too excited. Anyway, what about you? How's your night going?
As they continued to text back and forth, Tim found himself more engaged in the conversation than he had expected. This was the third night in a row they'd been texting like this, and Tim was starting to look forward to these moments in the evening. It had become something of a routine—one he was beginning to enjoy more than he anticipated.
Lucy: Pretty quiet here. Just catching up on some reading. It's nice to have a low-key night after the day we had.
Tim: Yeah, definitely.
Lucy: How's your shoulder holding up, by the way?
Tim paused, his fingers hovering over the keyboard. His shoulder ached, the dull pain a constant reminder of the strain he had been putting on it. But he didn't want to make a big deal out of it, especially not with Lucy. He typed back, keeping his tone casual.
Tim: It's not bad. Just a little sore, nothing I can't handle.
Lucy: Tim, you know you don't have to downplay it. I know you. You've been through a lot, and that shoulder of yours needs rest.
Tim: You don't know me that well, Lucy. But really, I'm fine.
Tim stared at his phone, feeling a twinge of discomfort—not just from his shoulder but from the thought of someone seeing through him so easily. He wasn't used to it, but there was something disarming about Lucy's concern.
Lucy: Mmhmm. You're right. I don't know you that well, but I know enough to see when you're downplaying something. You're not as mysterious as you think.
Tim chuckled at that, imagining Lucy's smirk as she sent the message. He could almost hear the playfulness in her voice, mixed with genuine care. He hesitated for a moment, his thumb hovering over the screen, before typing back.
Tim: Maybe I'm not as mysterious as I thought. But seriously, it's just part of the job. I'll rest it when I can.
Lucy: Mmhmm. You know, we've been spending a lot of time together lately. I'm starting to pick up on things. You'd be surprised how much I know.
Tim: Oh yeah? Like what?
He found himself genuinely curious now, wondering just how much she had picked up. It wasn't often that someone paid this much attention to him, and the fact that she had was both surprising and a little comforting.
Lucy: Like how you're always the first one to jump in when someone you love needs help, even if it means putting yourself last. Or how you always check on Olivia twice before bed, even when you say you're tired. And, of course, how you try to hide it when something's bothering you, just like you're doing now.
Tim felt a warmth spread through him, not just because of her words but because she had noticed these things. He wasn't used to people picking up on the small details of his life, the ones he thought were invisible to everyone else.
Tim: Wait. How do you know I check in on Olivia twice?
Lucy: She mentioned it once. Said you always come in just to make sure she's really asleep. It's sweet, Tim. Shows how much you care.
Tim: I thought she was asleep when I do that! Guess I'm not as sneaky as I thought.
Lucy: Not with her, at least. She adores you, you know that, right? You're her hero, even if you don't always see it.
Tim felt a warmth spread through him, not just because of her words but because she had noticed these things. He wasn't used to people picking up on the small details of his life, the ones he thought were invisible to everyone else.
Tim: She told you that, huh? I just want to make sure she's okay.
Lucy: And you're doing a great job. She's lucky to have you. And hey, I'm not just saying that. I've spent enough time with her to see it firsthand.
Tim: Thanks, Lucy. It's not always easy, but hearing that makes it worth it.
Lucy: Anytime. And seriously, take care of that shoulder, okay? Olivia needs you in one piece.
Tim: I will. Promise. Maybe...
Lucy: Haha, typical. But seriously, don't overdo it, okay? I can't have you sidelined for too long. Otherwise, I'm stuck riding with Turner or worse.. with Smitty, and we both know how that goes.
Tim: Turner or Smitty, huh? Maybe I should stay away even longer, just to see how you handle being paired with those slackers.
Lucy: Oh, please. You wouldn't last a week knowing I'm out there with Smitty barely staying awake, or Turner doing the absolute minimum. You'd be back in no time, just to save me from their "motivational" speeches.
Tim chuckled, picturing Lucy trying to get anything done with either of them. The thought was amusing, but he knew she was right. He couldn't let her suffer through that for too long.
Tim: You might be onto something there. Can't have you pulling double duty while they coast along. Plus, who else is going to keep you on your toes?
Lucy: Exactly. So, take care of that shoulder and get back out here. I need a partner in action, not someone napping in the shop.
Tim: Alright, alright. You've convinced me. I'll take it easy... but only because you asked so nicely.
Lucy: Nicely? That's a stretch. But I'll take it.
Tim: Nicely enough, then.
Lucy: I'll take what I can get.
Tim grinned, imagining Lucy's smirk as she sent that message. He quickly typed back.
Tim: Just don't get too used to it. I've got a reputation to uphold.
Lucy: Oh, believe me, I know. The tough guy act won't fool me anymore, though.
Tim: Is that so?
Lucy: Yep. I've cracked the code.
Tim: Guess I'll have to come up with a new one, then.
Lucy: Good luck with that. I know that your true personality is... how do i put it? You're a big SOFTIE!!!
Tim: A softie, huh? That's a new one.
Lucy: Yep. Beneath all that tough exterior, you're just a big teddy bear. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.
Tim: Not a softie. Just a concerned parent.
Lucy: Uh-huh. So you say. But I've seen you in action. The way you talk about Olivia, or just the way you treat her, it's clear there's a lot of softness under that tough facade.
Tim: I'm just protective. That's different from being a softie.
Lucy: Sure, protectiveness is a part of it. But don't fool yourself. It's cute how you try to act all rugged and tough, but I see right through it.
Tim: Cute? Now I'm starting to think you're just teasing me.
Lucy: Maybe a little. But honestly, it's nice to see that side of you. It makes you... more human.
Tim: More human, huh? What was I before, then? Some kind of robot?
Lucy: Haha, maybe a bit. I mean, you always seem so composed and in control.
Tim: Well then I think I'm broken because I DO NOT HAVE A SOFT SIDE nor AM I A SOFTIE. You're probably just not too good when it comes to technology.
Lucy: You really not gonna admit it, are you?
Tim: There is nothing to admit.
Lucy: Oh, come on. It's clear as day. You can't keep up the "tough guy" act forever.
Tim: I'm not trying to keep up any act. I'm just stating facts.
Lucy: Facts like how you're secretly a marshmallow on the inside?
Tim: Marshmallow? That's a bit of a stretch. I'm more like a solid brick, thank you very much.
Lucy: Haha, sure. Keep telling yourself that. I'm not buying it.
Tim: Well, it's not up for negotiation. I'm as solid as they come.
Lucy: Whatever you say, brick wall. I'm calling it a day on this debate. You can stay in your denial bubble.
Tim: Denial bubble? I like the sound of that. It's cozy and keeps the marshmallows out.
Lucy: Alright, alright. I'll let it go. But remember, I'm still keeping an eye on that soft side of yours.
Tim: Keep looking for it. 😉
Lucy: Oh, I'm sure I'll find it sooner than you think. I've got a knack for uncovering the truth.
Tim: We'll see about that. I'm pretty good at hiding things.
Lucy: Hiding things? So you do have a soft side. 🫣
Tim: Shut up...  🙄
Lucy: Oh, did I hit a nerve? I'm just saying, it's okay to have a soft side. It's actually pretty endearing.
Tim: Endearing, huh? I'm starting to think you enjoy making me uncomfortable.
Lucy: Maybe a little. Or a lot maybe.
Tim: Oh, so it's a hobby now? Making me uncomfortable?
Lucy: Maybe. You're just too easy to tease. And honestly, it's kind of fun.
Tim: Fun for you, maybe. I'm just trying to keep my reputation intact here.
Lucy: Reputation? You mean the one where you're a secret softie? That's not going anywhere.
Tim: You know that your pushing your luck right nor, right?
Lucy: Oh, I'm aware.
Tim: And it seems like you're having too much fun to stop.
Lucy: Guilty as charged. I guess I enjoy seeing a different side of you.
Tim: Different side, huh? You mean the one where I'm getting relentlessly teased?
Lucy: Yep, that one.
Tim: But you know, if you keep pushing, you might end up riding with Turner or Smitty longer than really necessary.
Lucy: Well, lets just say I'm not, not aware.
Tim: Exactly. So maybe it's in your best interest to keep me around. Otherwise, you might be stuck dealing with them.
Lucy: Touché. I suppose I should be careful not to push you too far, then.
Tim: It might be wise. After all, I'm the one who makes sure you don't get stuck with the slackers.
Lucy: True. That's painfully true...
Tim: Painfully true, huh? I see you're really embracing the reality of the situation.
Lucy: Oh, absolutely. I might have to start sending you thank-you cards for every day I don't have to deal with Turner's epic rants or Smitty's never-ending naps.
Tim: I'll accept those thank-you cards, but only if they come with a promise to stop the teasing.
Lucy: Hmm, tempting offer. But I can't make any promises. It's just too much fun.
Tim: We'll see. I might just enjoy this whole dynamic a bit too much.
Lucy: Oh, come on! Don't tease me like that. Please, don't let it happen. I'll do anything to avoid Turner and Smitty.
Tim: Anything, huh? That's a pretty strong statement.
Lucy: Absolutely. Just don't make me face those two on my own. I promise I'll go easy on the teasing.
Tim: You know, if you're sincere about that, you might be able to convince me.
Lucy: I'm dead serious. I don't want to spend any more time than necessary with them. You're my only hope here.
Tim: Well, I have to say, it's nice to be so crucial to your well-being. I'll think about it.
Lucy: Please do! I'll even send you a box of your favorite snacks or something. Just don't let it come to that.
Tim: A box of snacks, huh? You're really pulling out the big guns now.
Lucy: Anything to keep you on my side. I'm begging you, Tim. Don't let it happen.
Tim: Alright, alright. I get the message. I'll keep you away from Turner and Smitty. But you have to promise to lay off the relentless teasing.
Lucy: Deal! I promise to tone it down. Just don't make me regret this.
Tim: Good night, Lucy. It's getting pretty late.
Lucy: Good night, Tim. And thanks again for not letting me get stuck with Turner and Smitty. I owe you one!
Tim: Anytime. (Sleep well. He deleted this part again.)

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