Part 19

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The next day dawned with a surprising calmness. Tim arrived at work expecting the usual hectic pace, but instead found himself greeted by an unusually quiet atmosphere. As the morning passed, it became clear that there wasn't much action to be had. By mid-morning, he and Lucy were stationed at the front desk, keeping an eye on things and occasionally dealing with minor tasks.
Tim glanced at Lucy, who was leaning against the counter, scrolling through some files on the tablet. She caught his eye and raised an eyebrow, sensing his curiosity.
Lucy- What's up?
Tim- Just thinking... it's too quiet today. Not that I'm complaining.
Lucy chuckled softly, nodding in agreement.
Lucy- Yeah, it's eerie, right? Almost like the calm before the storm.
Tim smirked, leaning back in his chair.
Tim- Well, let's not jinx it. I'm kind of enjoying the peace.
They shared a comfortable silence for a moment, just watching the front desk area as a few people walked by. The usual chaos of the office seemed to have taken a day off.
Lucy- So... how are you feeling about tomorrow?
Tim sighed, knowing exactly what she was referring to.
Tim- I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous. I mean, I know you're gonna be there, and I trust you, but... I don't know. There's always that nagging feeling in the back of my mind, like something's gonna go sideways.
Lucy tilted her head, giving him a reassuring smile.
Lucy- Is there anything specific I can do to make it easier for Olivia? I mean, I know she's excited, she told me,  but if there's something that would help, I'm all for it.
Tim looked thoughtful for a moment, appreciating the offer. He knew Lucy genuinely cared about Olivia and wanted to make the day special for her.
Tim- Honestly? Just being there for her is more than enough. I think she's already thrilled that you're going with her. But maybe... keep an eye on her if she starts to feel out of place. She's the youngest in her grade, you know. Actually, around two to three years younger than most of her classmates, so things can be difficult sometimes.
Lucy's expression softened as she absorbed that information.
Lucy- Wow, I didn't realize she was that much younger. That's gotta be tough on her, especially when kids her age are already dealing with so much pressure to fit in.
Tim nodded, his gaze drifting as he thought about all the challenges Olivia had faced.
Tim- Yeah, it's not easy. Academically, she's doing great, but socially? She's had some rough moments.
Lucy leaned back against the counter, her expression thoughtful as she absorbed what Tim had said.
Lucy- I can't even imagine what Olivia must be going through. Just thinking back to when I was that age... everything felt so overwhelming. Trying to figure out where I fit in, dealing with all those changes—it was hard enough, and I wasn't even the youngest in my grade or had a two year age gab to my classmates.
Tim nodded, his gaze softening as he thought about Olivia.
Tim- Yeah, I don't think she's doing that bad, honestly. She handles a lot better than I would've expected. But... it's got to be difficult for her. Being surrounded by kids who are a couple years older, already dealing with things she's not quite ready for, things she doesn't understand quite yet—it's not easy.
Lucy tilted her head, understanding the complexity of what Olivia must be navigating.
Lucy- Yeah, that's rough. At that age, two or three years can feel like a lifetime in terms of what you're dealing with.
Tim leaned against the desk, his expression thoughtful as he continued the conversation.
Tim- Actually, she mentioned she wanted to another grade or two because she didn't feel challenged enough. She's doing well academically, but she's getting bored with the current material and feels like she needs more stimulation.
Lucy looked intrigued and a bit concerned.
Lucy- That's understandable, especially if she's ahead of her peers academically. It sounds like she's really driven to keep learning and growing. But skipping grades can be a big leap, not just academically but socially too.
Tim nodded, his concern evident.
Tim- Exactly. It's not just about whether she can handle the material; it's about whether she's emotionally and socially prepared for what comes next. And then there's the whole question of what happens after high school if she's accelerated through everything. It's not like I can just send her off to college at like 14 years.
Lucy's expression shifted as the realization struck her. She hadn't considered the long-term implications of skipping grades, especially in terms of Olivia's future.
Lucy- Oh, wow. I hadn't really thought about that. The idea of sending a 14 year old to college does seem... intense.
Tim sighed, leaning back in his chair and running a hand through his hair.
Tim- I just don't know what to do.
Lucy watched Tim for a moment, her brow furrowing as she saw the weight of his thoughts. She straightened up, glancing at the clock on the wall before looking back at him with a small, encouraging smile.
Lucy- You know what? Let's take an early lunch break today. Nothing is going on here, and I think we could both use the break.
Tim looked at her, surprised for a moment, then chuckled, appreciating the suggestion.
Tim- Yeah, you're probably right. Not much happening around here anyway. And I could definitely use some food to clear my head.
They both stood, gathering their things and heading out of to the food trucks. The rest of the day passed by in much the same quiet fashion as the morning had, without any major disruptions or calls. It was a welcome break from their usual fast pace, though Tim's thoughts about Olivia lingered in the back of his mind.
By the time they returned from lunch, the Station still felt unusually calm. Tim glanced at Lucy as they walked back in.
Tim- You think this is what normal people's jobs feel like? Peaceful, no constant adrenaline?
Lucy laughed softly.
Lucy- I don't know, maybe.
As the hours passed, the calm day continued at the station. Around 3PM, Tim and Lucy left to pick up Olivia from school. When she greeted them, Olivia seemed quieter than usual, but Tim brushed it off, thinking it was just pre-event nerves for tomorrow.
Back at the station, Olivia walked straight into Tim's office and lay down on the little couch he kept there. This struck him as unusual—Olivia typically spent her time in the break room, chatting and gossiping with the other officers. Though Tim wasn't aware of what happened in the break room. A while later Tim told Lucy he'd be right back, she didn't think much of it, assuming he was going to grab a drink or take a quick break.
Instead, Tim headed to his office to check in on Olivia. Opening the door quietly, he found her lying on the couch, scrolling through her phone. Normally, he'd be a stickler about limiting screen time, but something about her demeanor gave him pause. She didn't look like her usual self.
Walking over, he crouched beside her, his eyes filled with concern.
Tim- Hey, sweetheart. How are you feeling?
He gently placed the back of his hand against her forehead, checking for any sign of a fever. Olivia sighed, putting her phone down and sitting up slightly, wincing as she shifted on the couch.
Olivia- My back hurts, Dad. Like, my lower back... and it kinda spreads into my hips and legs.
Tim's concern deepened immediately.
Tim- Did you fall at school? Maybe hurt yourself in gym or anything like that?
Olivia shook her head, her brow furrowing as she thought.
Olivia- No, nothing happened. I don't know what's causing it. It just started hurting this morning, it wasn't too bad, but I feel like it's got worse through out the day.
Tim's concern only grew as Olivia described her pain. He shifted slightly, his mind raced through possibilities.
Tim- How bad is it right now, on a scale of one to ten?
Olivia thought for a moment, her face scrunching up in concentration.
Olivia- Maybe a six or seven? It's not unbearable, but it's really uncomfortable, especially when I sit or lay down.
Tim nodded, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.
Tim- Does it hurt more when you move around? Like, when you walk?
Olivia tilted her head, thinking about it.
Olivia- Actually... no. Walking doesn't make it worse. It's when I sit down or try to lie down for a while that it really starts hurting.
Tim- Hmm, that's strange. Usually, if it's something like a pulled muscle or a strain, walking would make it worse, not better.
He glanced over at Olivia, who shifted uncomfortably on the couch again.
Tim- Okay. Let's not jump to conclusions. We'll keep an eye on it for now, and see a doctor if it doesn't get better.
Tim stayed crouched next to Olivia, his concern still evident.
Tim- Do you need anything right now, sweetheart? Water, a snack, anything to help you feel more comfortable?
Olivia shook her head softly.
Olivia- No, I'm okay, Dad.
Tim nodded, understanding but still worried.
Tim- Alright, but if it gets worse or if you start feeling off in any way, you call me, okay? I'm at the front desk.
Olivia gave him a small smile, appreciating his concern.
Olivia- I will. Thanks, Dad.
Tim stood up, watching her for a moment longer before heading toward the door. He hesitated, his hand resting on the doorframe, glancing back at her.
Tim- You sure you'll be alright? I can stay with you if you want.
Olivia shook her head again, more confidently this time.
Olivia- I'll be fine. Promise.
Tim gave her one last reassuring look before stepping out of the office. As Tim walked back to the front desk, Lucy didn't look up from the file she was working on, her pen moving steadily across the paper.
Lucy- Where've you been this long?
Her voice was casual, but there was a hint of curiosity behind the question. Tim sat down at his desk, rubbing his face with his hands as he leaned back in his chair.
Tim- I went to check on Olivia.
Lucy still didn't look up from the file, her pen continuing to scratch across the paper as she replied, her tone casual but with a hint of curiosity.
Lucy- How's she doing?
Tim leaned back in his chair, trying to shake off the lingering concern from checking on Olivia.
Tim- She's fine, just a bit tired.
Lucy, still focused on the file, nodded.
Lucy- You know, it's been a long day.
Tim - Yeah, and we have one more hour to go.
They both settled back into the calm atmosphere of the station, but Tim's mind wandered back to his daughter, hoping she really was fine and not just saying it to avoid worrying him. Lucy glanced at the clock every now and then, silently counting down the minutes until the end of their shift.
Finally, the clock hit the end of their shift, and Lucy stretched, letting out a sigh of relief.
Lucy- Finally. Ready to get out of here?
Tim stood and grabbed his things, nodding.
Tim- Yeah, let's get going.
They both headed to the locker rooms to change out of their uniforms. Tim moved with purpose, eager to get to Olivia again. After changing, he made his way back to his office, where Olivia was still resting on the couch. She looked up when he entered.
Tim- Ready to go?
Olivia nodded, slowly getting up and stretching. Tim helped her gather her things, and they made their way out of the station together. As they reached the exit, they saw Lucy, who was just about to leave.
Lucy smiled, adjusting her bag over her shoulder.
They exchanged goodbyes, Tim and Olivia headed to the car, and Lucy to hers. The ride home was quiet, with Olivia resting in the passenger seat. Tim kept glancing at her, still concerned but trying not to show it.
Tim- How about you take a nice bath? It might help ease some of the pain and help you relax a bit.
Tim suggested when they got home.
Olivia gave a small nod, grateful for the suggestion.
Olivia- Yeah, that sounds good.
Olivia headed straight to her bedroom. Tim watched her disappear down the hallway, his concern lingering. He knew she was the type to hide when she wasn't feeling well, unless it was really bad.
After a moment, he walked into the living room and spotted the book Olivia had been reading lately—one she was completely absorbed in. Picking it up, he smiled faintly, knowing how much she enjoyed getting lost in the pages. With the book in hand, Tim headed upstairs. On the way, he stopped by the linen closet, grabbing a couple of fresh towels for her bath and for himself.
Once outside Olivia's room, he hesitated briefly before knocking gently on the door.
Tim- Hey, sweetheart. Can I come in?
There was a pause, followed by Olivia's quiet voice from the other side.
Olivia- Yeah, come in, Dad.
Tim opened the door and stepped inside, holding up the book and towels. Olivia was standing by her desk, unpacking her backpack.
Tim- I brought you your book and some fresh towels. Thought you might want them for your bath.
Olivia's smile widened slightly, appreciating the gesture.
Olivia- Thanks, Dad.
Tim walked over, setting the towels and book on the dresser nearby. He then walked into her bathroom and turned on the water before getting back to her.
Tim- You okay?
Olivia- Yeah, I'm fine, I think a bath might help.
Tim nodded, relieved that she seemed open to relaxing a bit.
Tim- Alright, if you need anything, just call me. I'll be downstairs. The water's running, so please make sure the bathroom doesn't get flooded.
Olivia nodded, and Tim gave her one last glance before stepping out of her room. He walked down the hall to his own room. He quickly ordered the sushi, one of her favorites. After placing the order, he took a swift shower to freshen up, letting the warm water ease some of the day's tension from his own shoulders.
Once out of the shower, Tim applied the cream the doctor had prescribed for his shoulder, letting it dry before he threw on a comfortable t-shirt. He moved around the house, tidying up and making sure everything was in order.
He started another load of laundry and now it was time to do what he hated.— Fold laundry. He does his best to avoid doing it but in the end it has to be done. Tim settled into the living room with two baskets of laundry, trying to make the task more bearable by turning on the football game. He watched the players dart around the field, focusing on the game to distract himself from the monotony of folding clothes.
As he folded the last of the shirts and pants, he felt a familiar dread build up—sorting the socks. It was the worst part of the laundry routine.
Tim sighed and reached for the sock pile. He methodically paired up the socks, matching them as best as he could. He glanced at the mismatched pairs and tried to recall how so many individual socks ended up in his laundry.
He held up a lone sock and frowned, trying to figure out its mate. After a few minutes of shuffling through the pile, he tossed it into the "orphan" basket—the one where the stray socks went in hopes that one day their partners would magically appear.
As he continued sorting, the football game played in the background, offering some distraction but not enough to make this task enjoyable. Tim shook his head and chuckled to himself, thinking about how he could avoid this job.
Despite his frustration, he knew it had to be done.
Finally he finished sorting the laundry, feeling a mix of accomplishment and relief as he placed the last sock in the "orphan" basket. He stood up, stretching his back before picking up the two baskets—one filled with his neatly folded clothes, and the other with Olivia's.
He carried them over to the bottom of the staircase, setting them down to take up later. For now, he just wanted to relax for a bit before Olivia came downstairs. The football game continued to play in the background, but Tim wasn't paying much attention anymore. His mind wandered to thoughts of Lucy. They had been texting more often lately, and it was something he found himself looking forward to. There was an ease to their conversations, and he couldn't deny that he enjoyed their back-and-forth. He briefly considered sending her a message, maybe something casual, just to see how her evening was going.
Debating whether to type out a quick text or not, the doorbell rang. Tim glanced over at the clock—right on time. The sushi had arrived. He stood up, heading toward the front door, glad that dinner was finally here. As he opened the door, the delivery person handed him the bag with a polite nod.
Tim thanked them, closed the door, and made his way to the kitchen. He set the bag down on the counter and went upstairs to let Olivia know that dinner was ready.
On his way, Tim grabbed the two laundry baskets from the bottom of the stairs, hoisting them up and making his way upstairs. He set his own basket down next to his bedroom door and kept holding onto Olivia's as he walked toward her room. Knocking gently, he waited for a response.
When there was no answer, he slowly cracked the door open.
Tim- Olivia? Can I come in?
Still no answer. Assuming she must still be in the bath, Tim stepped inside, placing the basket of her neatly folded clothes near her dresser. The room was quiet, the faint sound of water trickling from the bathroom.
Tim walked over to the bathroom door and knocked lightly again, careful not to startle her.
Tim- Hey, Liv, dinner's ready. Just come down whenever you're done, okay?
There was a muffled response from inside.
Olivia- Okay, Dad, thanks.
With that, Tim made his way back downstairs, setting out the sushi on the coffee table. He grabbed the remote, put on their show and waited for her to come down.
Not too long after, he heard the soft padding of Olivia's footsteps on the stairs. She walked into the living room, her hair still damp from the bath, looking a little more relaxed but still moving gingerly. Tim glanced up and gave her a small smile, motioning to the sushi.
Tim- Feeling better?
Olivia- A bit, yeah.
She sat down beside him, reaching for her chopsticks. As they started to eat, Olivia hesitated for a moment before speaking.
Olivia- I've been thinking... I think I figured out why my back hurts.
Tim looked over at her, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
Tim- So? What is it?
Olivia- Yesterday, during soccer practice, I fell pretty hard. I didn't think much of it at the time, but maybe that's why my back's been bothering me today.
Tim- Well, good. I mean, not good that you fell, but it's good we know what might be behind it.
Tim nodded, setting his chopsticks down as he stood up.
Tim- Let me grab a heating pad for you. It should help.
He went to retrieve the microwavable heating pad from the drawer, popped it into the microwave, set the timer, and waited while the familiar soft hum filled the air. Once it was ready, Tim carefully pulled it out, testing the temperature with his hands, making sure that it was warm but not too hot as he walked back to the living room.
Tim- Here you go. This should help loosen things up.
Olivia smiled gratefully and placed the warm pad between her lower back and the couch. She shifted a little to settle in, feeling the heat start to soothe her sore muscles.
Olivia- Thanks, Dad.
He picked up his chopsticks again, continuing with his sushi as they turned their attention back to the show.
The comfortable quiet between them was only interrupted by the sound of the TV and the occasional clink of chopsticks against the sushi tray.
Tim and Olivia finished their dinner, enjoying a second episode of their show in a relaxed silence.
As the credits rolled on the second episode, Olivia stretched and yawned.
Olivia- I think I'm going to head to bed.
Tim nodded, giving her a smile.
Tim- Sounds good.
Olivia headed upstairs, her steps more assured than before. Tim tidied up the living room, putting away the sushi containers and straightening the coffee table. Once everything was cleaned up, he decided to check in on Olivia, partly to make sure she was settled and partly to ask her about their plans for the weekend.
He knocked gently on her door as he approached her room. When there was no response, he slowly opened it and peeked inside.
Tim- Hey, Liv, got a minute?
Inside, Olivia was standing in front of her closet, pulling out different outfits and holding them up to herself, trying to decide what to wear for the next day. She looked up at him, a bit surprised but not annoyed.
Olivia- Oh, hey, Dad. What's up?
Tim stepped into Olivia's room, leaning against the doorframe as he watched her shuffle through different outfits. He waited a moment before speaking, trying to approach the topic casually.
Tim- Just wanted to check in and see if you needed anything. Also, about Saturday... do you know who's going to be there?
Olivia glanced up from the clothes, raising an eyebrow.
Olivia- Uh, I know Mia and Dylan are coming for sure. You know them, right?
Tim nodded, already aware of the two kids.
Tim- Yeah, Mia and Dylan. I remember. But, uh, how many more people are we talking about?
Olivia paused, looking thoughtful.
Olivia- I think there might be around three more kids coming. Mia mentioned a couple of her friends, and I think one of the girls from basketball is coming too.
Tim raised his eyebrows, slightly concerned about handling a larger group of kids—and their parents, moms.
Tim- Three more? Who else?
Olivia- Let's see... there's Harper and James, Mia's friends, and probably Lily from my basketball team.
Tim- Harper, James, and Lily... Got it.
He mentally braced himself, thinking about managing the mini-golf outing with all the kids—and more importantly, the parents.
Tim- And their moms are coming, right? (He's hoping she'd say at least on dad is coming.)
Olivia- Yep.
Tim sighed but smiled back at her, already trying to prep for the social side of the event.
Tim- Alright, good to know. Thanks for the heads up.
Olivia- No problem, Dad. You'll survive, I promise.
Tim chuckled softly, pushing himself off the doorframe.
Tim- Yeah, I'm sure I will.
He glanced at the clothes laid out on her bed.
Tim- Need any help picking out what to wear tomorrow?
Olivia smiled, holding up a couple of options.
Olivia- Actually, yeah.
Tim looked at the outfits Olivia was holding up, curious.
Tim- What do you like the most?
Olivia sighed, glancing between the light white dress, the soft blue one, and the minty pastel jumpsuit in her hands.
Olivia- I honestly don't know. I can't decide.
Tim chuckled softly.
Tim- Alright, how about this—you try them all on, and we'll see what you feel most comfortable in.
Olivia's face brightened at the idea.
Olivia- So, a fashion show? Okay, let's do it!
She quickly grabbed the white dress, a light piece, and disappeared in the bathroom to change. A moment later, she stepped out, twirling in the middle of the room.
Olivia- Option one!
Tim smiled, giving her a mock-evaluative nod.
Tim- Light, fresh. You look like you're ready for summer—comfortable but cute. And you look beautiful.
Olivia looked at herself in the mirror, swaying the skirt back and forth.
Olivia- Hmm, it's nice, but let's see the others.
She quickly slipped back into the bathroom, swapping into the second dress—a soft, classic blue with a simple, but kind of elegant cut. When she stepped out this time, she struck a little pose.
Olivia- Option two!
Tim tilted his head, considering it more seriously this time.
Tim- Ooh, this one's got a calm, classic vibe. Kind of timeless, really. And beautiful.
Olivia studied her reflection in the mirror, nodding a little but still unsure.
Olivia- Yeah, I like it... but maybe I need to see the jumpsuit.
Tim grinned.
Tim- Yeah, let's see the jumpsuit. I've got a feeling about that one.
Olivia darted back into the bathroom, changing into the light green, mint-colored jumpsuit. It was a pastel shade, soft but with a modern look. She stepped out with a bit more confidence, doing a little spin as she modeled it.
Olivia- And finally, option three.
Tim raised his eyebrows, clearly impressed.
Tim- Now that's a look. It's different—cool, stylish, but still casual. And of course beautiful as well.
Olivia glanced in the mirror, biting her lip in thought.
Olivia- I like it too... but now I'm even more torn!
She glanced between the three outfits laid out before her—the light white dress, the blue one, and the mint green pastel jumpsuit. Each had its own appeal, and she couldn't make up her mind.
Tim laughed, standing up from where he'd been sitting.
Tim- I don't blame you, they all look great. This is a tough call.
Olivia- Yeah, I can't pick! They're all so different.
Tim thought for a moment, then gave her a warm smile.
Tim- You know what? Let's sleep on it. You've got time in the morning to decide. Right now, it's getting late, and you should head to bed.
Olivia looked at the clock and nodded, realizing how late it had gotten.
Olivia- Okay, I'll think about it tomorrow.
She neatly hung the dresses and jumpsuit back up, then smiled at her dad.
Olivia- Thanks for helping, though. It was fun.
Tim grinned.
Tim- Anytime. We'll figure it out tomorrow.
With that, he gave her a quick hug.
Tim- Goodnight, sweetheart.
Olivia- Night, Dad.
Tim closed Olivia's door softly behind him, still smiling from their little fashion show.

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