relief is one strong emotion

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wow, i just finished writing this (as i'm typing this a/n) and i honestly feel so emotional even though i've known of this particular plot for months 😭...if that doesn't help you guess how angsty this is, then idk what to tell you! 👀

i won't spoil what the reasoning behind the relief is here, but i'll put a spoiler in the comments on this line> (it'll be hidden if you accidentally click here)

this chapter kinda means a lot to me, so please please! tell me what you thought of it when you've reached the end

enjoy 🩷🩷🩷
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"so it appears that we have gotten through today's agenda," cho seohoon, today's host for a meeting including a few representatives of partnering brands, beamed as he clasped his hands together and stood from his seat. "and, now that i'm sure you've had enough of my rambling, i believe this meeting to be adjourned until we see each other again."

the cheery disposition he held was always infectious, leading everyone in the room to dramatically applaud until seohoon was waving them off and playfully scolding them to leave the room.

still, he made sure to walk around the room, thanking people individually until he finally settled on minho and the trio he was rarely without.

"ah, minho my dear boy," seohoon firmly took minho's hand in his, resting his other hand further up his forearm. even though seohoon was only eight years older than minho, he loved to act as though minho was his own pride and joy. "is it just me or are you somehow becoming even more proficient every time i see you?"

"just you." chulsoo coughed, looking up to see seohoon's grin, and minho's no-longer-intimidating-after-so-many-years glare.

"thank you, seohoon." minho replied, bowing his head to then move away just enough for seohoon to focus on jisung.

"and minho's dear jisungie, it was a pleasure to finally meet you," he lightly teased, watching jisung's cheeks bunch up from his pleased smile as he subconsciously pressed himself against minho's body. "i'd been wondering why minho seemed much happier the last few times he'd been in my office, and now it's completely obvious as to why that is." he held his hand out for jisung and gave a similar squeeze as the handshake was reciprocated. "you're welcome here any time, and i hope this won't be the last time i'll be seeing you."

"not at all," jisung lightly shook his head, bumping his elbow against minho's. "he's stuck with me now, so i'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other."

seohoon's delighted laughter filled the room, granting jisung with another amicable pat to his shoulder before he stepped back to look over the pair.

"so, i shall expect you back here in six months time?" he asked, receiving two firm nods in response. "excellent." after bidding the pair well wishes as he said goodbye, he briefly moved onto chulsoo and jongil to also bid them farewell.

looking back from seohoon to jisung, minho's eyebrows furrowed as he noticed jisung appeared to be restlessly stepping side to side.

bringing his voice down to avoid drawing any unwanted attention, he leant closer to jisung and softly held his arm. "you okay there, baby?"

unclenching his jaw, jisung let out a slightly strained exhale, "i've been needing to pee for the last twenty minutes."

not expecting the answer, minho stifled a laugh as jisung continued. "i could ignore it at first, but then it got too hard to forget.., i kept trying to tell myself it wouldn't be that long till the meeting finished, but it kind of was and now i can't ignore it."

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