Chapter 3

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"For you," Jason said, holding out a bakery box of assorted muffins.

Her green eyes lighting up, Kimber took the box and raised up on her tiptoes, kissing her brother on the jaw. "Thank you. Do you want some coffee?"

"Please." Jason closed the front door and followed Kimber to the kitchen, where he leaned against the island. "So, how many boxes do you need taken to storage?"

"Four." She placed the box of muffins on the island and then moved to the coffee maker. She poured Jason a cup of the steaming brew.

"I'm always here for you, so don't take this the wrong way, but why didn't you get Jared to help you?" Jason asked.

Kimber set the cup in front of Jason and said, "We broke up last week."

"I'm sorry, sis," Jason uttered gently. "What happened? You two were good together."

"Help yourself to a muffin." Kimber tucked a strand of auburn hair behind her ear. "I thought we were doing great, until I found him in bed with another woman."

"Do you want me to pay him a visit," Jason asked, anger tearing through him. "I promise you I will make it hurt."

Kimber rolled her eyes. "No, I don't want you to pay him a visit."

Jason took a sip of coffee. "Change your mind, let me know."

"Yeah, okay." She rolled her eyes again.

"I'm sorry he was a bastard." Jason reached out and covered her hand with his. "Don't give up. You'll find the one meant for you."

Kimber smiled as she tilted her head slightly. "When are you going to find the one meant for you?"

Jason thought of Daisy and smiled softly.

"What's that smile about?" Kimber demanded to know.

"Nothing." Jason averted his eyes. "Do you-"

"Jason Michael Cooper, you're keeping something from me." Kimber crossed her arms, glaring at him. "Spill it."

"I can't, sis," he sighed.

Kimber leaned across the island and gazed into her brother's eyes. "You can tell me anything, Jay-Jay. I would never betray your confidence. You know I've always kept your secrets."

It was true. Jason took a deep breath and told her about him and Daisy.

Kimber shrieked, ran around the island, and threw her arms around Jason's neck. "I'm so happy for you."

"Really," Jason said dryly. "I couldn't tell."

"Smart ass," Kimber said, slapping his chest. "You know everyone is going to be angry when they find out you kept your marriage a secret."

Jason grimaced. "I know, but we need a little time to just be together, to see if we can make it work."

"I get where you're coming from." Kimber pecked him on the forehead and then walked back around the island. She opened the bakery box and selected a chocolate chip muffin. "I'll do whatever I can to help you and Daisy. I want you two to make it."

"I want that too," Jason muttered.

"I know you do." Kimber took a bite of muffin, chewed and then swallowed. "You love her and-"

"How do you know I love her?" Jason said with a frown.

"You light up when she walks in the room," Kimber pointed out. "You follow her with your eyes, and you hang on her every word. It's cute, the way she has you under her spell."

"I'll have to be careful when she and I are around family," Jason said. "I don't want my reactions to her giving me away."

"Especially around Shawn." Kimber cleared her throat. "Are you worried about what Shawn will do when he learns about you and Daisy?"

Jason arched an eyebrow.

"Yeah, that was a dumb question," Kimber said. "Of course you're worried."

"I don't want to lose his friendship." Jason rubbed the back of his neck. "But if that's what it takes to keep Daisy by my side, then so be it."

"How was Vegas?" Shawn inquired as he and Jason settled on the couch to watch the game.

Jason took a drink of Coke before answering, "It was good. The meetings were a success."

"Did you hang out with Daisy, other than getting a drink with her?"

"We went for a walk and took in the sights," Jason replied. Then we got drunk and got married. We're family now.

"I'm glad you were there to protect her." Shawn opened a can of beer and took a drink.

You wouldn't be glad if you knew what we did.

"Guys are always hitting on her," Shawn said. "Even when I'm with her."

Jason loosened his grip on the soda can and took a calming breath, forcing his jealousy down deep. "Your sister is a beautiful woman. Men are going to gravitate to her."

"Well, I don't like it," Shawn grumbled.

Jason didn't like it either, but he trusted Daisy and knew she could handle herself. He also knew that as long as they were married she would be faithful to him.

At that moment, Daisy entered the living room. "Hello, gentlemen," she said.

"Hey, little sis," Shawn said.

"Hello, Daisy," Jason said quietly, not making eye contact with her.

"I can't stay long," Daisy said. "I have errands to run. I just wanted to drop off your screwdriver set. I left it on the kitchen table."

"Thanks," Shawn said. "Oh, by the way. Randy says hi."

"Who's Randy?" Jason wanted to know.

Shawn grinned. "A guy I work with. He has a thing for Daisy. She won't give him the time of day."

"Because he's a douchebag, that's why," Daisy sneered. "He broke up with his girlfriend and started dating her sister."

"It's true," Shawn said to Jason. "I would never let her date him. I just like to mention his name. It sets her off, which is quite entertaining."

Daisy placed her hands on her hips and gave Shawn a dirty look. "You would never let me date him, you say. You don't own me. I can see who I want and do what I want. I don't need your permission."

"I'm only looking out for your well-being," Shawn said coolly. "As your brother, it's my job, especially without Dad around."

"Have you heard from him?" Daisy asked softly.

"No, little sis, I haven't," Shawn said, his expression apologetic.

"It's been three months," Daisy said, hugging herself. "Where could he have gone?"

"I wish I knew."

Letting out a weary sigh, Daisy bent down and kissed Shawn on the cheek. "Don't you leave me."

"No chance of that," Shawn said. "You're stuck with me."

"Then I am one lucky girl." Daisy straightened up and looked at Jason. "I'll see you later."

"Drive safely," Jason said. "You wear your seatbelt, don't you?"

"Yes," Daisy responded. "Worrywart over there would have a fit if I didn't." She headed for the door. "Later, gentlemen."

Jason watched her go, looking forward to tonight when he would be alone with her. 

A/N: Thank you for your support. It means a lot to me. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Have a great weekend! :)

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