Chapter 10

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Jason glanced up from his plate to find Daisy staring at him. He raised an eyebrow. She smiled at him and then lowered her gaze. When he glanced up, a few minutes later, she was staring at him again.

"Okay, sweetheart." Jason put down his fork. "What's going on?"

"We'll talk, after you're done eating," Daisy told him.

"I'm done," Jason said, shoving his plate away. "Let's talk."

Daisy pushed back her chair and stood. "Let me put the leftovers in the fridge first. Then we'll go sit in the living room and talk."

"I'll help you."

Once the food had been put away, Daisy led Jason to the living room, where they settled on the couch. She took his hand and said, "Kimber came by to see me. She was upset and needed someone to talk to."

"Why was she upset?" Jason inquired, caressing her knuckles with his thumb.

Daisy fidgeted. "She, well, she's pregnant. She's five weeks along."

Jason sighed heavily and shoved a hand through his hair. "Damn it," he uttered under his breath. "I don't want this for her. Having a baby is going to be hard on her. Not to mention she's going to have to co-parent with Jared. He's going to be a nightmare to deal with. Has she told him the news?"

Daisy cleared her throat. "She has. He doesn't believe the baby is his. He wants a paternity test when the baby is born. Until then he wants her to leave him alone."

Her words had Jason seeing red. Releasing her hand, he got to his feet. "I think I'm going to go for a drive."

"I'll come with you," Daisy said, rising from the couch.

"No," Jason said firmly as he headed for the front door. "Stay here."

"You're not going for a drive, are you?" Daisy hurried after him. "You're going to confront Jared. Don't do it, please."

"By denying the baby is his, he's basically saying that my sister cheated on him," Jason said coolly. "He was the one doing the cheating. That's why they broke up. I'm going over there to set his ass straight. He has another think coming, if he thinks he's going to deny the baby is his."

Daisy seized his forearm. "You go over there and you're just going to make things worse for Kimber. She doesn't need any more drama in her life right now. Besides I promised her I wouldn't let you go anywhere near Jared."

"Sorry, sweetheart, but that's a promise you shouldn't have made." Jason gently pried her hand from his arm and turned to open the door. "I won't be gone long."

"You step one foot out that door, Jason Michael Cooper and you will be sleeping alone tonight," Daisy snapped at him.

Slowly, he turned toward her. His eyes flashing, he said, "What did you say?"

"I don't need to repeat myself." Daisy folded her arms across her chest. "You heard me."

"Oh, I heard you," Jason said. "I just couldn't believe what I was hearing. You are my wife, Daisy, and your place is beside me. I won't accept you sleeping in another room."

"Well, that is too bad, because that is what's going to happen, if you leave to confront Jared. I won't share a bed with someone who has violence on his mind. Violence never solves anything. It only makes the situation worse. Think about your sister and what is best for her before you act." Daisy spun around and headed for the kitchen.

Jason started to follow her and stopped when his cell phone rang. He grabbed the phone from the table near the door and checked the caller ID. It was his private investigator friend. He accepted the call. "Hello, Ridge."

"Jason, hello," Ridge said. "I wanted to touch base with you, make sure we're still on for tomorrow morning."

"Of course we're still on," Jason said. "Ten o'clock at my mother-in-law's place."

"I'm looking forward to meeting everyone, specially your wife," Ridge said.

"Daisy's looking forward to meeting you too," Jason said.

They talked for a few more minutes and then said goodbye. Once he ended the conversation, he gave his sister a call.

"Hi," Kimber said softly, answering after the third ring.

"Hi." Jason paused, unsure of what to say. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired," Kimber replied. "Since you're asking how I'm feeling, I take it Daisy told you."

"She did," Jason said.

"Are you disappointed in me?" Kimber wanted to know, her voice sounding small.

"No, sis," Jason assured her. "You could never disappoint me. I'm worried about you. You're not ready to be a mother."

"I know," she sighed. "That's why I don't know if I'm going to keep the baby. I keep thinking the baby would be better off in a two parent home, being raised by two people that will love him or her."

"You don't have to decide anything right this minute," Jason said. "You have time to decide what you want."

"That's what Daisy told me," Kimber said. "She really helped calm me down. I needed that, especially after what Mom said to me."

"You don't have to tell me what she said," Jason told her. "I can imagine she wasn't supportive. You shouldn't have called her. You know you can't count on her and Dad. I'm sorry, sis, but we have shitty parents. If you need anything, Daisy and I are here for you."

"I know," Kimber sniffled.

Jason frowned. "Are you crying?"

"Yeah," Kimber murmured. "I can't help it. My hormones are all over the place. I dropped my bowl of ice cream and cried like I did when Mr. Wrinkles died. You remember him, don't you?"

"How could I forget him?" Jason said. "That dog always took a dump on my bed."

Kimber giggled. "I forgot about that."

"Of course you did," Jason said dryly. "It wasn't your bed."

She giggled again.

"Get some rest, sis," Jason said. "I'll check on you tomorrow. If you need anything give me a call."

"You're the best brother in the world." Kimber sniffled. "I love you, Jay-Jay."

Jason rolled his eyes. "I love you too. Talk to you soon."


Jason ended the call, glancing in the direction of the kitchen. He needed to talk to Daisy, try to make things right. The sound of a cabinet door slamming changed his mind about talking to her. He would give her some space. Later they would talk. As for Jared? Jason vowed he would deal with him later. 

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