-Chapter One-

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Water, Earth, Air, and Fire

Nothing was the same after my mother, Avatar Alice, passed away. The world felt dimmer, and even the sun seemed to cast longer shadows. The Shadow War transformed our lives, a cruel reminder of the chaos that followed loss. Yet, whispers of a new Avatar rekindled a flicker of hope within me, suggesting that a fire bender awaited in the Starlights. Everyone believed my mother was the worst Avatar, and that with her death, the Avatar cycle had ended. But I clung to the hope that this new spirit would rise, igniting a path toward healing.

The sound of a baby crying outside "Do you hear that Lin," said Kya {Kya opened the front door} "Oh my spirit Lin come here!" said Kya {Lin picked up the crying 1-year-old child} "Her name is Kitty Sapphire Starlight," said Kya "how did you Kya," said Lin "you have the file don't you" said Kya "yeah police station has the file but want to look at that latter," said Lin "Does that mean we get to keep her," said Kya "I guess," Lin 

Two minutes later, {Lin woke up at midnight and walked into her office} "Lin what ya doing it's 4 am," said Kya "I wanted to make some calls to the white lotus," said Lin "Can we do it in the morning," said Kya [ring] [ring] [Hello Lin Beifong what's going on] [Can you come to my house please] [Hangs up] "Lin do you believe that Kitty's the avatar," said Kya {mia walked in the house of police station} "I do believe Kitty's the avatar," said Lin "oh," said Kya {Lin and Kya heard knock on} "Hello Lin," said three of the white lotus members "Hey Kya bring Kitty out here please," said, Lin "Okay I'll go get her," said Kya {Kya picked up Kitty and walked to the living room} "Lin do you have anything of your daughter," said one of the white lotus members "ummm y-yes," said Lin "I'm back with Kitty," said Kya

Two days later,
{It's November 5 Lin's birthday}
"Happy Birthday Lin," said Kya "Kya," said Kitty "She's only 2 years old and talking," said Lin In shock "I'll make the cake," said Kya "Izumi welcome," said Kya "Where's little Kitty," said Izumi {Kitty walks into living room} "Hi," said Kitty "You're only 2 years old and your walking," said Izumi "I know," said Kitty "Hey want to try to fire bend," said Izumi "Why training impotent at her age," said Kya "I know your worried," said Izumi "Kitty's only two years old Izumi," said Lin "I know she two years old but she needs to fire bending training," said Izumi "Kya, Lin I understand but Kitty's the avatar," said Izumi "I know but-," said Lin "Fire Lord Izumi our daughter is only two years old," said Kya "Guys she needs to start fire bending training before the war gets bad," said Izumi {Lin see two shadow guards walk Lin and Kya's front door} "Oh spirit, what are we going to do," said Kya "Come on let's go!" yelled Lin "Okay get in the car," said Lin "Where are going Kya," said Kitty "southern water tribe," said Lin "Okay good idea but by the time we get there we're going die," said Kya and Izumi "They want Kitty cuz she an avatar out of the cycle," said Izumi "Oh," said Kya in shock "you okay Kya" said Lin 

Sixteen days later, {It's November 30th Kitty's birthday} "Happy 3rd birthday," said Lin "Now she can start her fire bending training Izumi," said Kya "Okay," said Izumi "Come on Kitty," said Kya "Okay," said Kitty "Kitty try this," said Izumi "Okay," said Kitty {They go outside to training} "Kya why three years old," said Lin "I don't know but she needs to learn fire bending tho," said Kya "It was hard to do it wasn't it," said Lin sadly "Lin please don't be mad with me," said Kya {Kya tears glistened} "Hey, It's okay I'm don't mad," said Lin "I-i'm going to bed," said Kya "Alright Love you Kya," said Lin {Asami walked in house} "sorry not knocking on the door but I'm just checking all of you," said Asami "I'm worried," said Kya sadly "what's wrong," said Asami, "I think Lin's mad at me," said Kya.

Twenty-one days later, "Kitty's a fire-bending Master," said Izumi "Oh, she is," said Kya grumbled "Kya what's wrong," said Lin "I don't want you to talk about," sighed Kya "Kya you talk about it you might feel better," said Izumi "Kya come here," said Lin {Kya walked over Lin} "what's wrong," said Lin {Kitty runs into living room} "Mom what's wrong," said Kitty "Sweetie mama Kya doesn't feel good right now," said Lin "Kya please tell what's wrong," said Lin "Are you mad with me," said Kya "Kya I will never be mad with you but I'm kinda mad at you," said Lin, "I thought you would be happy," said Kya "I just want Kitty to be safe," said Lin {Lin rubs Kya's back} "I know b-but-" said Kya "Kya," said Lin {Lin see the tears} "I don't know Lin," said Kya "Lin, Kya it's 5 am," said Izumi {Izumi see kya's tears} "What happened," said Izumi "I told Kya how I felt about Kitty," said Lin "Did you make her cry," said Izumi "No didn't," said Lin "Why is Kya crying then," said Izumi. "I don't know," said Lin {Kitty hears crying} "Kya mama," said Kitty "I have mixed feelings about Kitty's training," said Lin "Mama," said Kitty "H-hey sweetie," said Kya {Kitty runs over to Kya and hugs Kya} "Mama what's wrong," said Kitty "I'm okay," said Kya "Kya don't lie to the kid," said Lin {Lin see Kitty in Kya's arms} "I know I hurt you Kya," said Lin "I-i love you," said Kya "How about you go ahead and go to bed Kya I love you too," said Lin  "O-Okay love," said Kya "I'll make sure Kitty goes back to bed," said Lin

forty days later, "Lin," said Kya "What's wrong," said Lin {Kya crying} "J-just a nightmare," said Kya "You sure nothing is wrong," said Lin "Yeah," said Kya sadly "Kya you need to tell me these things," said Lin {Kya cries} "Kya?" said Izumi "Hey, it's okay Kya shhh," said Lin "Stop trying to calm me down," said Kya {Izumi cracked Kya and Lin's bedroom door} "Kya, Lin?" said, Izumi "Come in," said Lin sighed "Did Kya have a nightmare," said Izumi "K-kitty is asleep," said Kya "Yeah why," said Izumi "I had a dream about Alice," Cried Kya "shhh, Kya it's alright," said Lin {Kya berries her head on lin's shoulder} "I know it's hurt right now, but it'll get better," said Lin [ring][ring] [Who is this] [chief we have RCPD] [What happened] [Three robberies in three days] [Is My grandchildren okay] [Yeah their fine] [You guys still at the station] [Yes chief] [hangs up] "Guys I got to get to work but I'll be back later" said Lin "O-okay," said Kya "Bye love," said Lin "Bye Lin, said Izumi "Kitty honey breakfast," said Izumi "Okay But where's Lin," said Kitty "She had to go work," said Izumi "Where's Kya," said Kitty "she's still asleep," said Izumi 

twenty-two minutes later, "Kitty get in the shower," said Izumi "Okay," said Kitty {Kya wakes up} "Kya you something to eat," said Izumi "Yeah," said Kya {Kitty jumps in the shower} "Where's Kitty, Izumi," said, Kya "Hey, I'm home," said Lin "How was work," said kya "I don't want to talk about it!" Yelled Lin. "Lin I-i," said Kya {Izumi ran into their room} "Lin, Kya," said Izumi. "I am sleeping on the couch tonight, aren't I," said Lin.

twenty-two days later, "How was work be honest," said Izumi "I was good got a case but, it was good," said Lin quietly "You feel okay Lin," said Izumi "Yeah," said Lin sadly {Lin walked into their room}

I know it's a cliffhanger, but I'm ready for the next Chapter.

The Start Of A New Era Book1(Kingdom's Smp Also Legend Of Korra Au:)Where stories live. Discover now