-Chapter Four-

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### Water, Earth, Air, and Fire

Nothing was the same after my mother, Avatar Alice, passed away. The world felt dimmer, and even the sun seemed to cast longer shadows. The Shadow War transformed our lives, a cruel reminder of the chaos that followed loss. Yet, whispers of a new Avatar rekindled a flicker of hope within me, suggesting that a fire bender awaited in the Starlights. Everyone believed my mother was the worst Avatar, and that with her death, the Avatar cycle had ended. But I clung to the hope that this new spirit would rise, igniting a path toward healing.


Suyin Beifong learned about Lin Beifong's decision to adopt Kitty. A wave of nostalgia washed over her, reminding her of her own choice to adopt Kuvira. Lin and Kya were raising Kitty with love, but the weight of impending war loomed over their home.

One peaceful night, Kya gently whispered, “Kitty, it’s time for bed.” Kitty’s sleepy smile brightened the room, her innocence a soft balm against the turmoil outside. As Kya tucked her in, she felt a moment of serenity; “Goodnight, my sweet Kitty,” she murmured, watching as Kitty's eyes fluttered shut, blissfully unaware of the shadows creeping at their doorstep.

In the living room, however, the air felt heavy with tension. Suyin frowned at Lin, frustration evident in her furrowed brow. "Why are you going back to the city?" she snapped. Lin crossed her arms, the impatience bubbling beneath her calm facade. “I have work to do too,” she replied, irritation creeping into her voice. The sisters were caught in a cycle of misunderstanding and pain.



"Su, we need to talk,” Lin said, her voice strained in the courtyard. “After thirty years, you’re ready to talk?” Suyin's voice wavered, tears brimming as past grievances resurfaced like ghosts. “That day in Mom's office... You could have taken responsibility!” Lin yelled, pain etching her words.

“But Mom didn’t throw her career away,” Suyin countered, her heart racing. “She was a hero.” The raw emotion cracked like thunder between them, memories of love entwined with resentment. “Do you think she wanted to retire?” Lin shouted. “She was guilt-ridden; protecting you made her feel unworthy!”

"Look, I admit I’ve made mistakes, but—" Suyin started, her voice trembling. “You think living in a fancy house makes you a different person?” Lin shot back. “I can see through your façade!” The warmth of sisterhood twisted into an icy silence, and Suyin’s heart ached at the distance growing between them.

“Maybe you’re the one who hasn’t changed, Lin. You’re still bitter and alone.” With those words, Suyin struck a nerve. Lin, in a moment of rage, bent a rock and flung it away, as Opal's shocked voice echoed, “You’re sisters! Why would you want to hurt each other?” Amidst the chaos, Lin felt darkness pull her under.


“Hey, Mom,” Kitty’s soft voice broke the silence as she approached Suyin and Lin. “Yeah, sweetie. Go pack your things. We’re going home,” Lin replied, her voice catching as she fought against the swell of emotions. As Kitty walked back toward the guest house, Suyin’s heart sank.

“Lin, we’re sisters by blood. What’s going on with you?” Suyin’s plea hung in the air, heavy and raw. “I love you, Sis, but I have work,” Lin murmured, turning away, feeling the weight of the world pressing down. “Lin, wait! What about the war?”



"Su, what are you doing?” Lin called, standing at the door, her heart pounding. “Wow, you look like a real cop,” Suyin said mockingly. The girl she once knew felt like a stranger. “You’re supposed to be at school,” Lin replied, concern edged with frustration.

“Oh, no. Are you going to tell Mom? She doesn’t care,” Suyin snapped. In that moment, Lin saw her sister not as a delinquent but as a lost girl longing for acknowledgment. “You have so much potential,” Lin urged, her heart aching. “You’re ruining your life.”

Through the struggles, the moments of anger and misunderstandings, the bond of sisterhood remained—fragile yet unbreakable. They found healing not in perfection but in acceptance and love, with laughter weaving through their shared tears, promising a new dawn after every long night. The cycles of pain intertwined with hope, reminding them that every ending holds the seed of a new beginning.


Lin stirred from her sleep, heart racing and breath shallow, the memory of her nightmare woven tightly into her thoughts. In the dimness of the room, Kitty's gentle voice broke through the haze. "Mom, you’re okay," she murmured, her tiny form curling against Lin's, a small beacon of warmth amidst the chill of fear. “I’m fine,” Lin whispered, but the tremor in her voice betrayed the storm churning within. “Mama, wake up something with Mom,” Kitty urged Kya, her innocent reliance wrapped in a child’s love, unaware of the deeper fears gnawing at Lin.

As dawn stretched its fingers across the sky, the sun’s light felt too bright, almost cruel. Kya and Izumi crossed the room, concern etched deeply into their faces. "Lin, what happened this morning at 6 am?" they asked their voices a soft embrace. Suyin's gaze held a mirror of compassion, searching Lin’s eyes for answers. “The nightmare started again,” Lin confessed, tears spilling like raindrops, each one a reminder of the grief that refused to fade.

Suyin reached out, her hand gently brushing Lin's cheek, offering comfort with a tenderness that both soothed and ached. "Lin, I'm so sorry it happened years ago," she whispered, but the weight of the unspoken hung in the air—a reminder that some scars, no matter how many years pass, never truly heal. As the warmth of the morning settled around them, Lin felt both the sting of her heartache and the sweetness of the love that surrounded her. It was a bittersweet symphony of lingering pain and the unwavering support of those who remained by her side.


Lin's shaking hand pressed against the cold, unyielding wall, a futile attempt to ground herself in a world that felt increasingly unstable. "Su, no matter what happened to me, I wish you never left the city," she said, her voice trembling with barely contained anguish. The distance between them felt insurmountable, deeper than any physical separation.

"I know—why are you shaking?" Suyin asked, her brow furrowed with worry, but Lin could only muster a few ragged breaths.

"Because I'm lost without you," Lin admitted, her heart pounding in her chest. The memories of laughter and shared dreams now seemed like cruel reminders of what had been ripped away. Tears streamed down her face as Suyin stepped closer, but the ache of emptiness lingered, heavy and suffocating, haunting every moment they weren’t together. "I thought I could stand on my own, but every day without you feels darker than the last." a few ragged breaths.

"Because I'm lost without you," Lin admitted, her heart pounding in her chest. The memories of laughter and shared dreams now seemed like cruel reminders of what had been ripped away. Tears streamed down her face as Suyin stepped closer, but the ache of emptiness lingered, heavy and suffocating, haunting every moment they weren’t together. "I thought I could stand on my own, but every day without you feels darker than the last."

I know it's a cliffhanger, but I'm ready for the next Chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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The Start Of A New Era Book1(Kingdom's Smp Also Legend Of Korra Au:)Where stories live. Discover now