Chapter 18

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As Jennie walked away from the hotel, the weight of finality settled over her  Each step felt like she was leaving a piece of herself behind, a piece that she had only just begun to understand.

A sigh escaped her lips as she tried to push away the thoughts swirling in her mind, focusing instead on the road ahead.

The warmth of Lisa's coat enveloped her, a lingering reminder of the woman she was walking away from. Jennie's breath hitched as she pulled the coat tighter around her.

But then, as she adjusted the coat, the realization hit her like a bolt of lightning.

It was Lisa's coat.

In her haste, she had forgotten to return it. Panic surged through her, followed by a wave of determination.

She had to give it back.

Perhaps, it was the only excuse she had to see Lisa again?

Jennie spun around, her heart racing as she ran back towards the hotel. The streets blurred past her, her mind solely focused on reaching Lisa.

Inside the hotel, Lisa stepped out of the elevator with a weary sigh. Her body ached with exhaustion. She couldn't stop coughing, her throat raw and her chest tight. The earlier chill from their walk had seeped into her bones, and now she was paying the price.

The hallway was dimly lit, the quiet solitude offering no comfort as she trudged toward her room. Her vision blurred slightly, a wave of dizziness washing over her. She reached out to steady herself against the wall, using it as a guide as she slowly made her way down the corridor.

The elevator doors slid open again, but Lisa didn't hear the footsteps hurrying toward her. She was too lost in the fog of fatigue and sickness that clouded her mind. All she could think about was getting to her room, lying down, and letting the world fade away.

"Lisa!" The familiar voice cut through the haze, sharp and urgent.

Lisa turned slowly, her movements sluggish as she blinked at the sight of Jennie running towards her.

Confusion flickered across her face, quickly replaced by annoyance. "Why did you come back?" she asked, her voice hoarse. "We agreed not to see each other again."

Jennie skidded to a stop in front of her, breathless but determined. "I forgot to give back your coat" she explained, holding out the coat as if it were a peace offering.

Lisa's gaze dropped to the jacket, and she let out a weary sigh. "You shouldn't have come back just for that," she muttered, as she grabbed the coat and turned away, resuming her slow, labored walk toward her room.

But Jennie wasn't ready to let her go—not like this. She reached out, grabbing Lisa's arm and turning her back around to face her. "Lisa, wait," she urged, her voice filled with concern.

Lisa tried to pull away, but Jennie was insistent. She stepped closer, her eyes narrowing as she noticed the pallor of Lisa's skin, the way her breath came in short, shallow gasps. Without thinking, Jennie reached up and pressed her palm against Lisa's forehead.

"Your temperature is high," Jennie said, her voice laced with worry. "You're burning up."

For a moment, Lisa was lost in the depths of Jennie's gaze, the concern in her eyes cutting through the fog in her mind. In that instant, all the walls Lisa had built around herself began to crumble. The distance she had tried so hard to maintain, the boundaries she had set—all of it fell away as the overwhelming need to be close to Jennie took over.

Before she could stop herself, Lisa leaned in, her lips capturing Jennie's in a desperate, urgent kiss. Jennie gasped in surprise, her hands instinctively pushing against Lisa's chest. But Lisa held on, her grip firm as she poured all her unspoken feelings into the kiss, her need to feel Jennie's warmth overpowering everything else.

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