♪ Remembering ♪

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It's the next day since you and dusksong have read the dragon hunter ship you were inspecting the dragon lens trying to find out what it was

Nox: dusksong my brain is wrecked from trying to find out what this is it doesn't make sense why would dragon hunters want it

I land down on my back frustrations was welling upside of me not being able to figure it out so I just gave up for now

Dusksong comes over to me and lays his head on my chest trying to get me to be calm and not any more frustrated than I am and I gently pet him

Nox: thank you dusksong I am just mad and I have lost my dagger today is not my day is it huh dusksong its just not my day

Dusksong roar softly at me and push his head into my chest and let out a soft purr as he did so

Nox: thank you dusksong you know what to do but we can't just be sitting around waiting for nothing come on I will give you something to eat ok

Dusksong go up off me and I got up and walked over to his barrel of food

Nox: ummm dusksong there is a small problem you're food is almost gone we will have to go to the markets today to pick you up some ok

I pull out the last of the dragon meat and give it to you and I light up a fire and cook me fish that I have caught yesterday and eat it when when it was fresh cooking and I picked up my satchel and I sit down next to dusksong as he ate the meat and when he finished eating he stood up and I climbed up on his back and he took off going to the market

Dragon riders pov

Hiccup was holding the dagger inspecting it

Fishlegs: hiccup is something wrong

Hiccup: no no this dagger handle has some writing on it and it looks familiar

Astrid: familiar how

Hiccup: I don't know it just looks familiar

Ruffnut and Tuffnut: we could go to gobber to see if he knows how owns it

Hiccup: that is genius

Ruffnut: it is

Tuffnut: we are genius

Astrid: and what if he doesn't know how owns it

Hiccup: well it doesn't hurt to try

Snotlout: I bet it belongs to a girl and I will have someone else to go married to

Hiccup: I don't know snotlout let's not just jump to conclusions but we should be going back to berk to ask gobber about it

They all mount up on their dragons and fly off to berk

Nox pov:

I was buying dragon meat for dusksong and I was picking up a few things since I was running low on things and as I was walking back to where dusksong was and we took back to home

Nox: we got to need to forage for some plants to heal us with well so no more scars ok

Dusksong roared at me

Nox: hey don't bring up the burn you know I am not mad at you for not being able to save me from that monstrous nightmare and doing you dare be mad at yourself

Dusksong huffs and rolls his eyes but he roars at me to let me that he knows no to be mad at himself about it there was no point of it as we land on our island and I take off all the things I have bought and I when scavenging for the plants I need

Dragon riders pov

Gobber: hmmm yeah I know how this dagger might belong to

Hiccup: really how

Snotlout: is she pretty

Gobber has a good laugh as Snotlout as if she was pretty not know if it was a man or a woman

Gobber: I don't know how to answer that question but he is the son of Halfdan Fenrir hiccup you use to be friends with him when you and him were younger well he was friends with all of you but he was much closer with hiccup

Astrid: so do you know what happened to him and where he went???

Gobber: no he disappeared during a dragon ride years ago most Viking say he died in that ride

Hiccup: so we don't know if he is alive

Gobber: no idea

Tuffnut: so we are dealing with a ghost awesome

Ruffnut: this is the best day ever

Fishlegs: he might not be dead he might have been taken by a dragon

Ruffnut: oh I like dealing with a ghost better then that

Tuffnut: agreed

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