#4. A new day(?)

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Welcome to Doodle world.

Josh's eyes were fixated on those four words alone. What did it mean? Doodle world? Was it referring to The Island? The world Josh is living in at this very moment?

He was starting to get dizzy from all of this thinking (or was it because of the fall?) and hid behind the nearest tree to avoid the prying eyes from any onlookers in the area.

He looked around, it was definitely Sketchvale but... Not Sketchvale at the same time...? Josh couldn't find any words to explain what he was feeling, it's like he just knew this wasn't the Sketchvale he knows.

He examined the people in the area, all of them wearing weird and exotic clothes like foreigners. Was it a new trend? Some kind of fashion statement made by some random company to sell more products? One thing was for certain, and that was the very obvious fact that Josh would stick out like a sore thumb amongst them.

Josh opened the letter and read it to it's entirety.

Welcome to Doodle world.

Open your menu.


"Great." Josh was mildly annoyed by this. "Menu?" Josh thought, "what in the world is a menu?"

Suddenly, a light blue semi transparent floating rectangle appeared Infront of Josh. He jumped back, clearly perplexed on where the rectangle came from.

Josh studied the rectangle. He tried to go around it but the rectangle followed Josh. He looked directly at the rectangle, it had a wheel in the middle of it with multiple segments that had their own corresponding symbol and name. Was this the "menu" the note was referring to?

He noticed some small text at the upper left corner of the rectangle.
"T.L.S, I wonder what that stands for." Intrigued, Josh pressed one of the segments, specifically the one with the paint brush, but nothing happened. Curiosity started to overwhelm Josh and urged him to keep pressing each segment.

He tried the one with the cash icon. It didn't work (thankfully).

He moved on to the passport. It was a dud.

The cog wheel? No luck so far.

Josh tapped the one with the notebook and a new window opened up.
"The doodlepedia." Josh read. He scrolled down and saw entries for various kinds of doodles.

Curiosity still not satiated, Josh exited the Doodlepedia and pressed the Backpack. It had several tabs that range from capsules and medicines to held items and scrolls.

But something caught Josh's attention, the fifth and last tab labeled as key items.

It was different from the others. Mostly because it had something in it, a piece of paper named instructions#1.

As he was about to press it, Josh felt that something was wrong. He suddenly felt anxious.


"Magmotode, flames of Gehenna!"
Josh, startled, dashed to his side to avoid getting burnt to a crisp.

The voice was back, but Josh didn't have time to spend trying to figure out where it came from. Josh turned around and saw a teenage boy with green hair. His white T-shirt and denim pants told Josh that he wasn't one of the foreign exotic people he saw before.

"Flames of Gehenna once more, Magmotode!" The boy shouted, ordering the Magmatode that stood beside him to throw another huge ball of fire at Josh.

Thinking fast, Josh leapt out of the way and started running towards... Well, nowhere in particular. Josh just wanted to have as much distance between him and the boy as possible. This plan was, unfortunately, short-lived.

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