watch your back

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The night is soft and filled with colorful lights dancing around us at the funfair. I look at Chay, his radiant smile lit up by the sparkle of the rides. It's rare that we have moments like this, away from the worries and responsibilities that weigh on our shoulders. He's working hard on his music studies, and I'm constantly immersed in my dad's business while keeping a watchful eye on Vegas and Pete.

Being here, surrounded by the laughter of children, the joyful cries of teenagers and the music of the attractions, is like a breath of fresh air. For a moment, I can almost forget the tensions that reign in our world, the dangers that await us at every moment. Chay is a ray of sunshine in this darkness, his passion for music and his zest for life offer me an escape from cold reality.

I watch him as he chooses a candy from one of the stands, the innocence in his actions reminds me why I do all this. Chay deserves to be protected, to have a normal life despite everything that is happening around us. I strive to maintain that balance, to give him moments like this, where he can just be a young man enjoying life.

But even here, I can't completely relax my guard. My mind remains alert, mentally running through the latest information I received. Vegas and Pete are still under surveillance, and every move they make is reported. My father relies on me to make sure nothing goes wrong, that our family stays safe, and that our interests are protected.

As I listen to Chay talk about his latest compositions and his college projects, I keep a discreet eye on our surroundings. The funfair is lively, but my instincts never really rest. I am aware of the looks, the movements around us. In our world, even the simplest moments can hide unforeseen dangers.

Chay ends up choosing a candy apple, and I smile as I see him bite into it with enthusiasm. This smile, this lightness, is what I want to preserve at all costs. Even if that means constantly staying on guard, even if I have to juggle running my father's business with protecting those I love.

As we continue to stroll through the stands, hand in hand, I allow myself to enjoy this moment, knowing that as soon as we leave this place, I will have to return to my responsibilities. But for now, I focus on Chay, on the simple happiness he feels, and on the fact that, for tonight, we managed to escape, if only a little, from the pressure of our reality.

As Chay and I continue to chat, our conversations drifting about this and that, I suddenly notice a man approaching us. He looks determined, almost nervous, but he hides his agitation well behind a calm facade. He stops a few feet from us, catching my attention.

-Kim, is that right?

I watch him, suspicious. Chay turns to him as well, her smile fading slightly at the intrusion. The man quickly introduces himself.

-My name is Tay. I have information about Time, things you need to know.

My instinct goes into alert immediately. The name Time evokes a multitude of feelings, mainly distrust. Why is this man approaching me now, here, in the middle of this supposedly peaceful evening? I glance quickly at Chay, noting his questioning expression, before returning my attention to Tay.

-All right, let's talk about that elsewhere. Follow us."

I gently take Chay's hand, leading her towards a nearby restaurant, a quieter, more discreet place to hear what Tay has to say. I choose a secluded table, away from prying eyes, and we sit down. Tay seems a little more relaxed now that we're somewhere more private.


Tay takes a deep breath before starting.

- Time is planning something against Vegas and Pete. But that's not all. What I have to tell you goes beyond's personal.

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