Chapter 2

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The quiet song of the rain hitting the window echoed off the walls of your room. At this time, the barely audible soft rumble of thunder filling the sky accompanied the pounding of the rain, merging into one and creating a beautiful melody.

You lay on your side, watching the raindrops flow down and the lightning high in the sky scattered the skies with their flashes. It seemed like the perfect time and soundtrack for a good night's sleep, but sleep was slipping away from you, just like victory slips away from an athlete who began to rejoice in his victory too early. You were thinking about going downstairs and getting something to eat since you couldn’t sleep.

Obsidian slept next to you, quietly snoring in his sleep and sleepily purring when you began to stroke his back. This idyll could have lasted for a very long time, but you were brought out of your trance by numerous lightning-like cracks, which were heard too close to be outside.

You looked at the door of your room in confusion, while the baby, who had just woken up, looked at you first, and then at the door, confused and sleepy. The little dragon, as if sensing danger, woke up completely and growled, stretching out his lower fangs to their full length and exposing the poisonous sting at the end of his tail.

You got out of bed and realized that the thunderclap was inside the house, and not outside, as you had previously assumed. Grabbing a baseball bat that was next to your bed, you stroked the baby to calm him down and gave him a sign to stay close, and headed towards the door.

Opening the door, you and the dragon went towards the stairs that led down.As you walked, the hallways of your home seemed strange and unfamiliar, as if you were walking through a place you had never seen before, and it didn't help that it was around two or three in the morning, so your perception of the world around you was unstable due to the lack of any source of light.

But despite all these troubles, years of diligent training had honed your body and skills like waves honing sea rocks. You moved with barely a sound, ready for any danger that would come your way.

Having quietly walked almost the entire staircase, you stopped at the last steps and began to peer into the darkness. As soon as your eyes adjusted to the pitch darkness, you noticed something. Was it a silhouette with... horns?

At first, you thought that your imagination was playing a cruel joke on you, but as soon as you looked closer, it really was a human silhouette, looking around.
But then something happened that you never expected, the silhouette turned to face you and Maleficent stood before you. Fucking Maleficent was standing in the middle of your living room with her crow on her shoulder. Your eyes were the size of saucers and your jaw was practically hanging to the floor.

Maleficent finally noticed your presence. "WHO ARE YOU? AND WHERE AM I?" She yelled, pointing her staff at you.

"Quiet, quiet, calm" you said, backing up a little, while simultaneously commanding Obsidian to hide in the shadows, "I'm Y/N, you are in my mansion." You said, putting the bat aside and raising your hands slightly to show her that you were not dangerous. "Mansion?" She asked slightly confused, lowering her staff slightly."Yeah, the mansion is something between a regular house and a small castle. Maleficent...." Before you could finish your sentence, she roared again.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?" she didn't calm down.

"I...umm... I can show you, follow me," you said and turned around and walked towards the couch, not looking if she was following you or not. Jumping over the back of the couch, grabbing the TV remote control that was lying on the table and turning on the TV, you started searching for "Sleeping Beauty" on your browser.

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