Chapter 3

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The roaring whistle of the wind, that was the first thing you heard. For the first few moments, you didn't understand where you were, but then it dawned on you that you were in the air on a dragon.

You saw the dragon you were sitting on, the ground and the green forests rushing past you. You heard the flapping of wings and the whistling of the wind, which pleasantly blew on your face. You also heard a woman's laughter, it was a cheerful and perky laugh, as if its owner was incredibly happy about something. But no matter how hard you tried to turn towards the voice, you couldn’t do anything, not a single muscle obeyed you, you were just an observer. And there was one more thing you heard, it was a conversation, well, how to say a conversation, it was more of a monologue, since the only one who spoke was that unknown woman.

You didn't know who she was, why you were with her on a dragon, how you got here, many questions swarmed in your head. You only heard her voice, but the words were incomprehensible, as if you were underwater or on the other side of the wall with your "interlocutor". You wanted to tell her that you did not understand a single word she said, but you yourself could not say anything, you wanted to give her some kind of sign, but your body still treacherously refused to obey. You were only able to see and hear, nothing more.

After looking around your surroundings a little, you realized that you were in a sling carrier, which was attached to a woman. Well, now it is clear why you could not move.

Suddenly, you were pulled out of it and turned to face the woman. It was then that you saw a faceless figure. "Mom?" flashed through your head. Is this one of those infantile memories that are erased from memory with age as you grow older? Or was it just a strange dream born of a tired mind ?

At first she was talking about something enthusiastically and trying to explain it to you, flying high above the green tops of ancient trees, even from the height of flight, you could smell the forest.

But then everything changed abruptly. The blue sky was covered with thick dark clouds, and the sky itself became almost blood-red. The once pleasant smell of the forest was replaced by the smell of smoke, you know, it was not that pleasant smoky smell that comes from a bonfire, no. It was a caustic and bitter smell that choked you, settling in your lungs when you inhaled. Looking down, you saw that the forest was now engulfed in bright flames and the smoke from it was streaming into the sky, darkening the sky even more. It felt as if it was not a fire, but a raging sea, the tongues of flame were like waves. And there was another smell that could not be confused with anything, a sharp and unpleasant, metallic smell of blood. With each passing moment it grew stronger until it completely displaced the smell of smoke.

Mom's behavior and voice changed as quickly as the world around us. She was scared and worried, her voice was trembling, her horror was felt. Mom was clearly trying to tell you something and warn you about something, but you still couldn't make out the words.

The last words she managed to utter before the two of you were engulfed in a wave of fire : - "Be careful, danger is near  !"


Your eyes flew open, you took a sharp breath and sat up in bed, breathing heavily and quickly, almost suffocating. You looked around in horror, trying to figure out where you were, but realizing that you were in your room, you more or less calmed down. Cold sweat completely covered your body, causing your pajamas to stick unpleasantly to your body, and your disheveled hair to stick to your forehead.

Obsidian looked at you with concern and pressed himself against your torso, he was alarmed by your condition and he was trying to somehow help you. The baby purred worriedly and sniffed you, continuing to cuddle up to you.

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