The Boy in the Iceberg

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This is one info bomb of a first chapter, though the plot does move through the whole thing. Also, this is my first time writing Avatar the Last Airbender fanfiction, I've only ever written Ninjago fanfiction before, so I hope this is at least not bad.

Gray, almost blackish smoke came out in a long trail from the top of the ship. It tainted the clear light blue sky like a brush stroke of ink on parchment.

At least the icebergs all around weren't tainted. The ones on the right gleamed like crystal in the sun, and the ones on the left cast long shadows onto the ships deck. Though they looked different under the sunlight, both sides stood tall and motionless.

The ship passed them by soon enough, drifting into a sea of floating pieces of ice.

(y/n) glanced up to look at the sights around every once in a while, before going back sowing up a broken boot from one of the soldiers.

Whoever was the smart one picking out the crew really didn't do great. Powerful warriors, engineers, cooks, musicians (don't ask) and more, but none of those on the ship had even thought about the handiwork that had to be done. 

(y/n) was appointed to be one of the few blacksmiths and the tailors on the ship, since he was good with his hands. (y/n) didn't really mind working though, he was happy to do his part and help.

Though they had to dress up a little more warmly than usual, (y/n) liked it. It reminded him of his mother. A northern water tribe girl, who fell in love with a Fire Nation soldier. (y/n) had no idea how it happened, his mother had passed away much too early, and his father was all year round on one of the Fire Nation harbors. Neither had time to tell him how they had met.

Thankfully (y/n) and his younger brother were taken in by their grandmother from their fathers side. She was a kind lady, though a bit sickly. She would tell all kinds of heroic stories of their father, but rarely spoke of their mother. Probably for the best.

From what bits and pieces (y/n) had heard when he was young, it was a miracle of a relationship. The Fire Nation was already at war against all the other nations, so his mother had to keep a low profile in the Fire Nation, probably in disguise. Though at some point she had befriended Zuko's mother, and one thing led to another, and (y/n) was visiting the Fire Lord's castle to practice firebending or just to play with Zuko. 

Suddenly a strange cawk rang out, and (y/n) turned his head towards a passing ice platform, where two young looking penguins were spying on something in the water together.

Soon enough one of the two dived down under the water, and came back up almost immediately after, carrying a fish in its beak. The one without a fish made a strange dance, before the animals split their meal happily.

(y/n) wished he could have the sight painted, then take it back home to show everyone. Though he couldn't even paint himself, and there wasn't anyone else who could either, except maybe Iroh... (y/n) didn't know. 

(y/n) still wanted to show the sight off, probably to just his grandmother. His younger brother was probably more interested in a detailed picture of the navy ship itself. Or maybe (y/n) could take a spare soldiers helmet back with him as a souvenir... probably not.

(y/n) smiled to himself from the thoughts. Whether for the better or worse, the one sitting next to him noticed.

"What are you grinning about?" (y/n) turned his head to Zuko, who was already giving him a questioning glare, as if it was the only expression he ever wore.

(y/n) shook his head, "Nothing really. Don't worry about it, Zuko."

"It's Prince Zuko." Zuko just had to correct (y/n). Though it made (y/n) a bit sad, he accepted the correction with a nod.

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