What's brewing??!!

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Emelia pov
We settle down in our class and today our trustee mr Kim Tan father of our Tae has come to college ! I got to know from others that he don't come that often and when he come its almost like an inspection! He'll go through each class and students should be sacred of him because of the strict action he takes whenever there is any wrong he see!!

I was looking towards the entrance time to time
What are you looking at? Asks Nicole
Sam has not come yet so I wonder if she'll come or not! I replied shrugging my shoulder

We were in our talks and in the mean time the professor came and our lecture started and it ended as well ! We got up to go out as it was break time !

Melz! I heard a voice and Nicole and I turn
Tae!! I imitates his tone
Where is Sam? He asks me
I don't know! I thought you guys would know
Not really! Even Jimin is not seeming to be in the scene for a while now! He said
Anyway! Let's go eat something'! He said I look at Nicole who jast gave me a look that she isn't joining for sure

Let's go girls! Let's have something! Jungkook came and started walking pass by us as if he isn't bothered to even ask us!  Nicole and I look at eachother and I showed my puppy eyes trying to convince her at last she sighs and we started following him followed by Tae and the always together twins Mingyu and jeonghan

We were on our way just than someone was coming and Nicole whisper to me that's Kim Tan Sir!
I made an oh face and all of us greeted him
Hello beautiful children! He said(seems a sweet man)
Hello sir! We said in sync
Hi uncle how are you! Jungkook said and approach for a hug( flexing Huh!)
Hello big man! Long time you visited us!
I was busy These days! Jungkook said while scratching his forhead

By the way tae where is kat? He asks with a frown
I don't know dad! And do not ask me why! Is she a child or what? He said making a face
You can't even take care of your sister! Neither you have manners to properly reply I just don't know what kind of a person Are you! (Rude enough)
Tae rolls his eyes and walk pass by him where as all of us had awkward smiles looking down he put his hand on Jungkook's shoulder and went ahead saying 'your class is next for the inspection after the break humm! Jungkook nod

What was that? Nicole asks and I had the same question
Tae doesn't gel up with his parents that well! Jeonghan stated and both Nicole and I again exchanged Looks with eachother

     Taehyung pov
Is she a kinder garden girl whom I had to babysit ! Also... Nicole was standing there he just talk to me like that in-front of her
I was thinking all this while I saw kat from a distance
There you go! I said and move towards her
What? She asks with a raise brow
Jesus! I said as I notice her neck filled with hickeys
I was searching you everywhere! Where were you having your lusty shits??
Oh please tae! Get a damn! Also..why were you searching for me?
Dad is here! With saying that I walk pass by her and I could sense the rest of my gang following me
And kat standing shock and panicked on how to hide her messy state from dad!

We all settle down my mood was already off
I was not saying much but than I again transform myself in witty Tae as I don't like to show my vulnerable or pissed state for more than enough time

Guys there is no Sam neither Jimin! Where the fuck Are they! I ask
I was gonna say the same dude! Said Jungkook
Oh god! I haven't seen Sam since last night I hope she is fine! Said melz while making a worried face

Oh really! Is samantha missing? Nicole asks looking at melz
Not really! I mean miss Annie told me she is home and is sleeping in the morning when I head down stairs!

Just than our meal arrived nicole was talking to jeonghan on something she was not looking at the tray and was about to touch the hot coffee mug
Nicole careful it's hot! I said panicked and she immediately took her hand back and rest of our gang were already teasing me with their looks!
Berk is here! Mingyu said while looking at the entrance( what a timing)

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