In your feels!!!

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Jungkook pov
After listening to Jimin's heart to heart conversation all three of us went out by the time the college was almost empty! And only students who got detention or some nerds sticking to library were present!

We saw emelia emir and Nicole coming out from the entrance towards the ground they were chit chatting and as usual laughing! These two laughs a lot when they are together god knows what's so funny!

Emelia nicole! Jimin shout getting their attention they come forward
Where were you whole day Jimin? And where is Sam if you know? Emelia emir asks him
I had some work and sam was with me but I have drop her home! Jimin stated brushing his hair back
Thank god! I was so worried for her! She said giving a relaxing smile

Why are you two still here? Nicole asks us as we look at eachother
To drop melz,stated Tae where as me too took her name 'emelia emir!' simultaneously
Nicole and she look at eachother and than Nicole said
Two people to drop one person?
More over I have my car with me! Emelia emir said
Exactly! Said Nicole
Oh! Girls forget that! We just thought to wait for you all! Tae ended up spilling the truth!
And don't ask why please! (Yes please) he said further
Okay than bye! Nicole said ready to leave
Ah! How are you going? Tae asks her and she look back at him with furrowed brows
I have my car! She gave him a duh look
Oh! Just why.... He muttered(poor Tae)
Will you drop me than? He asks making me chuckle on how hard he is trying to spend time with her!
Why? Emelia emir asks(you dumb ass)
My car is punctured! He replied with a the most fake helplesss face
Tae... your car seems to get punctured on right Times.... Like who puncture it again and again! I said smirking
He rolls his eyes and Jimin joins me in teasing him
Tae! I'll drop you! He said
No thanks you must be tired!! He said greeting his teeth maintaining a fake smile
No worries I'll drop you! You have drop me almost 100 times in the past today let me do it! Emelia emir said and Tae look at me with the look of 'please do something of this dumb girl' I immediately take charge and said
Your home is opposite direction to him you..before I could complete Nicole said
Ok I am getting late! Taehyung let's go!! She said moving forward Tae and I exchange a high five and wink to Jimin Tae went happily behind her !

This guy! Jimin said while looking at him alright guys! Let's disperse see you tomorrow! By Melzo! By Jk! He further stated and went away

Aah! I sigh And said a lazy Bye! I so wish my car would have been punctured! I would also got a nice lift! I said while poking my tongue on my cheek with a smirk looking at her she rolls her eyes with a blush smile
go home! She said pushing me towards the exit!

Taehyung pov
We went near her car she opens the door for herself I was about open the passenger seat' gate just than she ask placing her one hand over the car roof top our doors open we were looking eachother from above the car
I hope you don't mind a girl driving while you sit beside!
Hell no! I am never that kind of a person! I said with a chuckle 'specially if the girl is you! I murmur to myself before sitting in!

The drive was silent ,although both of us are pretty talkative as everybody knows and if there would be melz in place of Nicole I am so sure our conversation wouldn't even finish before we reach but right now I just don't know what to talk!

So! How is life going on Kim Taehyung! I know she can't keep quite for a longer time

Nothing special! Everything is super ordinary These days! you tell!
As you know! Just had a break up! And that is enough highlight!! She chuckle (true that)

I am really sorry to say! But how did you guys end up being together! You guys doesn't look compatible at all ! I said making a face she look at me with siren eyes and I clear my throat mouthing a sorry

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