Making up!!

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Emelia pov
I was waiting for the next day so desperately but the night was just not ready to went away! It was still 9:30 Sam and me were having our dinner quietly not at all talking or looking at eachother! We were just not in the mood!

The door bell rang and we looked at eachother with a frown before sam got up to open it!
Who is it sam? I ask still looking in my plate but I heard a voice clearing it's throat I immediately turn back and saw Jungkook brushing his hair back and they both went upstairs completely ignoring me as if I doesn't even exist!!

But I decided to go myself! I got up and went behind them! I knock the door although the door was slightly open but it was not in my manners to just crash in directly!

You see the door opened! You decided to sit and eavesdrop everything what's the point of knocking? I heard his rude and cold voice and clench my jaw before opening the door!
He didn't even look at me!(silent treatment)

I sat beside Sam where as he was sitting on the couch placed in front of the bed!

What happen between you and Jimin? Why is he that upset! He was okay even after your denial right!! He said looking at sam and I looked at her too!

Nothing yarr jungu! We just slept together and now he is making it a big deal! She said making a face I looked at him who made the same annoying face

Do you have any sort of idea How things can be normal? I called you for this advice! Sam said (oh she called him here)

You want things to be like it was before... between you and him which is not seeming possible at the moment! He said and then he look at me and said 'you should be cautious on the first time itself! Then later you expect stuff to be usual like before than that's not possible!! I gulp down my saliva and look down

Oh yarr Jungkook what's done is done bro! Now tell me a way!! Sam said breaking the awkward moment between us!!

What have you guys taken me as? An adviser a logistic or what? He said chuckling
How would I know what to do in this!! I just don't know okay! But I would say just apologise and talk to him! Sam sigh and nod her head

Cool than! I shall get going! He said getting up
Atleast have dinner with us I said looking at him
I have already done that! He said looking away from me fixing his shirt

Woah! Are you guys not talking to eachother? Sam asks chuckling

We didn't said anything,I got up and started walking towards the door my foot got stuck in the carpet and I was about to fall but I hold the bed's edge where as he said'careful' and bend down to my level

I tug my hairs behind to get a clear view of his face he make me get up and then leave me while bidding Adieu from us!!

I waited for this moment so desperately! I want to talk to him so badly! I just couldn't last night since I didn't dared to initiate a conversation with him looking at his cold and stern face which scares me till date And here I am finding him everywhere Like a stupid as I was checking each place twice at last I sigh as realisation hits me 'oh! The foot ball ground ! Yes!!
I went behind our college towards the foot ball ground and my guess was right he was  playing football with his friends,his hair strings falling on his sweaty forehead which he was wiping with his sleeves,I waited for the match to get over,
After the match was over I wasted no time and went straight to him
I want to talk to you! I said panting as I almost ran towards him
Say! He said drinking water from his bottle
Not here! Come with me!! I said
I'll talk to you later I am not free as of now!! As he said I squeezes my eyes and now I am done with him! I immediately held his hand and take him with me,I know few eyes are on us and I'll be answerable to him aswell for showing this much right on him! But at the moment I didn't care about stuff and we reach near the lobby

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