Chapter 12

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🌼 -Angel's POV- 🌼


Niall pulled out his black iPhone 6 and dialled 911.

"911. What's your emergency?"

"Hi. We are at our school, Demarest Middle School, New Jersey and there's blood everywhere and a dead body. Please hurry."

"Can I have your name and age please?"

"Niall Horan. I'm 16 years old. "

"Thanks. We are on our way. Stay there and don't worry."

Niall turned back to me.

🍃-Niall's POV-🍃


"Ok the police are on their way."

"Who could have done this Niall?" Angel whispered.

"I don't know love."

The police finally arrived along with a S.W. A. T. team.

A group of five people emerged rapidly out of the shiny black, white and blue police car.

The officers stood with their guns pointed up.

We waved at them to come over.

"Hello. You must be Mr. Niall Horan?" A police officer asked.

I nodded my head.

"I'm Officer Jackson. Me and my troop are going to go inside and check out the scene. Please stay here."

He let out a crisp, sharp whistle and shouted,


A gorgeous German Shephard jumped out of the nearest parked car.

He ran towards Officer Jackson.

Oliver truly was magestic.

He was active, attentive and you could tell that he was highly trained and protective.

Looking up at us with his big brown, twinkling, soulful eyes he smelled us and let out a small bark of satisfaction.

The dog and his owner made their way into the bloody building.

After an hour, they came back out holding a ripped bloody shirt and an axe.

"We are gonna have to ask you two to come with us down to the station."

"But why? Did we do something wrong?"

"No. It's just the rules. We have to ask you questions"

Angel looked up at me.

A hint of fear gleamed in her eyes.

"It's nothing." I whispered to her.

🌼 -Angel's POV- 🌼


A police officer lead me into an uncomfortable room.

I looked at Niall.

"I'll be waiting out here." He said trying to reassure me.

It was sparsely furnished, just a table and two chairs.

"Have a seat" He said.

I gingerly sat down.

There was a cassette recorder on the table.

The lighting was cold.

A harsh fluorescent that gave a bluish-green cast to everything in the room.

The man pressed a button in the cassette.

"So Angelica we are aware that a note has been found with the initial 'J'. Do you know anyone who's name starts with J?"

"No. I recently moved here. I'm new." I replied.

"Oh. Well then thank you for your time. We can not use you since you don't know."

He pressed another button on the recorder and led me outside of the building, onto the sidewalk.

He took Niall in next.

He was in there longer obviously.

"How long will he be?" I thought to myself.

"Long enough." said an anonymous masked person behind me.

I saw the unmistakable glint of a knife as he attacked me.

Then, I felt a searing pain in my stomach.

I dropped to the floor.

My hand fell to my wound as I saw a pool of crimson liquid forming around me.

I heard a door opening.

"ANGELICA?!" Niall screamed.

I started to get dizzy,




I couldn't see.

Everything was blurry.

"Angel? Are you ok?" He asked.

I couldn't reply.

I couldn't hear him clearly.

I felt like I was about to vomit.

Then suddenly everything went black.

🍃-Niall's POV-🍃
I called 911 as quickly as I could.

I couldn't hear the ambulance coming.

I could only make out its shape through my puffy, crying eyes.

I stared as I watched the life drain out of Angel's beautiful skin.

Her color went from tan to pale.

Her body was channelled onto a stretcher and into the ambulance.

I also got into the ambulance and immediately the ear-piercing siren was turned on and the vehicle was moving at full speed.

We got to the hospital in to time.

Some doctors took her and went straight to work.

"Stay here Sir. Sleep."

A few hours later I woke up.

🌼 -Angel's POV- 🌼


I was in a coma, unconsious but I could hear everything.

I heard Niall walk into the room.

He spoke to me,

"Hi Angel. I hope you're alright. I don't know if you can hear me."

"I can!" I said inside my head.

"Just please Angel, show me a sign that you're ok."

I couldn't move.

I couldn't speak.

I couldn't open my eyes.

I could just lay there listening.

I heard quiet sobs.

Then Niall spoke, "I don't know what's going to happen. But I-I- I love you."

With all the strength I had inside of me, I moved my hand...



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