Chapter 13

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🌿-Niall's POV-🌿

Immediately I shouted for a nurse.

"She moved her hand!" I screamed.

"Please Sir calm down and move aside please."

I stood back as the doctors and medics rushed in.


         Running down the cracked pavement, the glorious sun was already setting.

The clouds boasted mystical colors.

The sky was ablaze with fiery orange, reading reds and relaxing yellows.

"Run faster," I urged myself, "run faster".

         The ghosts were already quickly popping out of their hiding places

. All the ghouls and demons, with their red beaming eyes and scaly skin were dripping with blood red goo.

An ear-piercing screech that was heard from behind me made me run even faster.

IT almost got me. IT was close, too close.

I jumped over a fence and ran into the abandoned library that I had made my hideaway.

         Leaning against the old, broken walls with peeling wallpaper, I fought to catch my breath.

My heart was hammering in my chest, ready to burst.

The adrenaline rushing threw me had now died down and I could begin to relax.

My gleaming doe-eyed eyes scanned the weary walls and cobweb covered books.

         How long will it be until I could remove the barricades from my windows and doors?

How long until my lair could see the sun again?

My thoughts were interrupted by howling and banging on the windows.

IT's here.

IT was a creature once filled with beauty and grace, but that was a long time ago.

That was before the apocalypse.

Now, IT has become a creature filled with rage and violence.

        Mankind was always the most powerful being, but over the years IT watched and learnt until it became the most feared creature on Earth.

Just one touch could disintegrate you.

Being the last human alive, yes I was scared.

Scared wasn't enough to describe how I was feeling.

But I had to continue doing all I had to do to survive.

Kill or be killed.

That was the motto.

        Reaching into my backpack I pulled out my DSR 50 Sniper and prepared to go out into the streets I called hell.

My society had long since crumbled.

The dead have risen, consumed with a ravenous desire for flesh.

        Busting down the door, I started running again.

Nowhere was safe.

I immediately stopped and froze.

It was way too quiet.

I knew something was terribly wrong.

Suddenly a black shadow engulfed me.

I turned around to find IT holding me tightly.

IT took my gun and aimed it straight at me.

IT fired.

The gunshot was heard for miles.

All I could do was scream.

Waking up from my accident, I could faintly hear my name being called in the distance.

''Come back Angel, come back".

Author's note:
I changed the book name from "Tall blonde and gorgeous" to "Treacherous love"☺️

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