Crossing Paths

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Atlanta, GAAugust 24

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Atlanta, GA
August 24

*later that night*

The hum of the city outside was always a comfort, the kind of noise that drowned out everything else; the worries, the doubts, the things I didn't want to face. Atlanta at night was a different beast, alive and electric, but it was nothing compared to what was going on inside my head.

I rolled down the windows of my car, letting the cool evening air rush in as I cruised down Peachtree Street. The city lights blurred past in many colors, but my mind was miles away. I couldn't help it. The past always had a way of catching up with me when I least expected it. No matter how much money I made or how many distractions I surrounded myself with, it was always there, lurking.

My phone buzzed again, pulling me out of my thoughts. I glanced down and saw Jalen's name flash on the screen, followed by another text.

Jalen: Bro, we're already at the club. Where are you at?

I sighed, tapping out a quick response.

Me: On my way. Traffic's wild.

It wasn't a complete lie. Atlanta traffic was always a nightmare, especially on a Saturday night. But the truth was, I was taking my time, dragging my feet like I always did when I knew I was heading somewhere that didn't mean anything.

My fingers drummed against the steering wheel in time with the music, the bass rattling the windows as I turned onto a side street. I knew Jalen would be waiting for me with a drink in hand, a crowd of people ready to party until morning. It was the usual scene, one I'd seen a thousand times before. But tonight, it felt different. Like there was something in the air, something I couldn't quite put my finger on.

As I pulled into the club's parking lot, I could already hear the music thumping from inside, the steady beat vibrating through the pavement. The lot was packed, but I found a spot near the entrance, cutting the engine and taking a moment to collect myself. It was like slipping on a mask, the one I wore every time I stepped into a place like this. The one that said I had it all together, that I was in control.

But as I stepped out of the car, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to change.

The club was just as I expected; crowded, loud, and filled with people who were either too drunk to care or too focused on pretending they were someone else. I scanned the room, my eyes adjusting to the dim light as I made my way to the bar. The familiar faces of my crew came into view, and Jalen spotted me first, waving me over with a grin.

"Took you long enough," he said, handing me a glass filled with tequila. "You know how it is. The girls were starting to think you bailed on us."

I took the drink. "Never that. Just had some things to take care of."

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