Crossing Lines

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Atlanta, GA

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Atlanta, GA

May 17th

KJ leaned back on the couch, eyes half-lidded as he lazily scrolled through his phone. The night before had been a blur of smoke, lean, and bodies, a wild, reckless escape from the constant pressure he felt to keep everyone around him satisfied. He was always searching for a way to numb the tension that clung to him, and last night had been no different.

The girl from the night before, Candice, had left early, a text on his phone confirming that she had a good time. But now, in the stillness of his apartment, KJ was left alone with his thoughts. His mind drifted to Aulani, the way she had felt curled up against him, the way she had looked at him with something he didn't quite know how to name.

He shook his head, trying to push the memory away, but it clung to him, stubbornly refusing to let go. He needed a distraction, something to pull him out of the hole he was digging himself into. He flicked through his contacts, considering who he could call, but none of the names stood out. No one could pull him out of this mood except her.

He stood up, pacing in his living room. It didn't make sense. Aulani wasn't just another girl; she was different. She wasn't someone he could just call up and use to get his mind off things. But the more he tried to stay away, the more he found himself drawn to her.

His phone buzzed, pulling him out of his thoughts. It was a text from Aulani.

Aulani: You busy?

His heart skipped a beat, the tension in his chest loosening just a little. He didn't even hesitate before responding.

KJ: Not really. What's up?

Aulani: Can I come over?

It was a simple request, but it held a weight that made him pause. He knew what this could lead to, knew that once they crossed that line, there'd be no going back. But right now, in this moment, he didn't care.

KJ: Yeah, come through.

He tossed his phone onto the couch, running a hand over his face. He needed to get his head straight, needed to figure out what the hell he was doing. But when it came to Aulani, nothing was ever simple.



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