Meet The Neighbor

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Marinette Dupain-Cheng could hardly contain herself as her and Alya moved the last box into her college dorm. The two girls had left Paris after Hawkmoth's mysterious disappearance, the villain not having been heard from in over two years. Alya had convinced her to leave behind Paris and explore life outside of Europe. Of course, Paris would always have Ladybug, but she had Kalki for those situations.

Marinette walked across the floors of her new dorm; the hardwood smooth under her bare feet as she opened the door to her balcony. Warm Florida air whisked past her as she breathed in the smell of the ocean that took over the backyard to her second story home. Florida was her first choice, the warm weather perfect for her and Tikki, not to mention the beaches of Miami had been on her bucket list since childhood. Alya squeaked next to her and ran to the railing, phone pointed out and panning over the clear blue ocean and white sands. Marinette chuckled and elbowed her in the ribs in tease.

"Don't you have your own dorm room to gush over Alya?"

Alya stuck out her tongue and flipped her phone to face Marinette, grinning as she recorded her best friend. Marinette tried to swat it away but missed as Alya laughed and continued recording.

"Oh come on girl! Can't I hang out with my smoking hot BFF until I have to go help Nino?"

Marinette glared at Alya but her smile gave her away, thankful for her friend's banter. When Marinette had turned nineteen, Alya had all but commanded it was time for change. Gone were the pigtails and ribbons. Gone were the pink homemade clothes and silly flats for shoes. Her hair sat high in a ponytail, the ends curled and cascading down past her shoulders. Her figure had slimmed and her body toned, years of fighting paying off. Her thigh length denim shorts hugged her waist just below the edge of her black Ghost crop top. So she liked the satanic group, sue her. Her stomach was on display, toned muscle peeking out from under the shirt. She was confident in the new her and Alya took every opportunity to remind her that she was amazing.

She walked back inside the dorm and through the kitchen, the electric stove would definitely be seeing use. It was a spacious dorm. One bedroom and one bathroom. Her living room was cozy and just on the opposite side of her balcony. It was enough for her. Alya checked her phone and cursed, annoyance etched on her face. Marinette raised a brow and Alya showed her the texts from Nino.

Nino Turtle: Hey Als. Stuff is here. Don't forget we have that dinner date later. Tell Nette hi for me! Love you! <3

Marinette chuckled at her best friend's boyfriend and gave Alya a hug before she ran off. She had introduced Nino, her childhood best friend, to Alya their junior year of high school. The two had hit it off from the start and began dating only a month later. She was happy for her friends and loved them both dearly, herself just a bit jealous of the relationship. High school had been an uneventful experience for Marinette.

In sophomore year, she had dated Kim for a week before he cheated on her with a girl from the swim team, Nino had keyed his car after. Then in junior year she had confessed her feelings for Marc. That ended in embarrassment as he sheepishly admitted he was gay and in a relationship with Nathaniel. From that point on she ignored the topic of romance, content to help Nino and Alya or read her dark romance books. She had a few one night stands but nothing serious, perfect for her. She had admitted to Alya just before graduation of her role as Ladybug, the pressure of Hawkmoth too much to handle alone and letting them keep their kwami's full time. When Alya told her the idea of moving to Florida, she had no reason to say no. Her parents were all for the idea and even encouraged her "not so ladylike" activities should they arise. So, with a bittersweet plan, she packed all her things and the miracle box before starting over in Miami.

It wasn't all sad of course. Her clothing label, MDC, was quickly gaining traction across the world with fashion icons such as Gabriel Agreste and Style Queen complimenting her work. The money that came in more than covered her living expenses and school items with the rest being able to go directly into her bank. For once, Marinette could say things were looking perfect.

She opened the door to her dorm and looked out down the hallway. There were only 6 people on each level, enough space between the units to provide privacy and comfort. Her dorm, Unit 202, was dead center of the beach side and yet she heard no noise from the other units. Truly perfect. Unit 205 across from her quickly opened and a blond boy stepped out, his blazing green eyes finding her bluebell ones as he placed a trash bag next to his door.

Marinette tried to keep the blush from forming as she looked him over, eyes traveling over the curve of his body as he stood. He was definitely taller than her by a few inches, him having to look down at her from his spot across the hall. His biceps strained against the sleeves of his forest green shirt and Marinette swore she could see the outline of abs traced across his stomach. Baggy black sweatpants slipped off the left side of his waist, the slope of his hips forming a perfect half V. She would love to know if the other side matched. The boy raised a brow at her, his face unreadable as he watched her.

"Can I help you with something?"

Marinette snapped back to reality and put on her best smile as she stepped out her door and over to him, her hand held out.

"I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I just moved from Paris."

He took her hand gently and shook it, his hand engulfing hers. "Adrien. Paris huh? You are a long way from home." Marinette nodded as she retracted her hand, arms sliding behind her back and hands clasped behind her. "Change of scenery you know? Only so much you can do as a baker's daughter." Adrien chuckled at her and leaned against his doorway, toned arms crossing over his chest. His eyes roamed over her before landing back on her own.

" So, what's your major? I'm here for chemistry. Just a way to piss my father off."

Marinette frowned at that but chose to let it go, excited to be making a friend so soon. "Fashion. I already have a small business but again it's just a small one. Hopefully I can learn enough to impress my favorite designer. He has complimented me before but honestly I am hoping to get an internship soon enough." Adrien was listening to her with interest, his eyes watching as she got excited and her arms moved with each word. "Who's the designer? Maybe I can help you out there. I was a model in high school."

"Gabriel Agreste."

Adrien froze, his hand clenching his bicep in a tight grip and his eyes narrowed to glare at her. Marinette stiffened as his body language changed and his face grew dark. Had she said something wrong? She studied his face before something seemed to click, her mind finally working in full gear. This wasn't just any guy she was talking to. This was-

"Holy shit. Adrien Agreste? As in super model and son of Gabriel Agreste?"

Adrien growled in the back of his throat, the noise sending unwanted shivers down her spine. He pushed off the wall and stalked toward her, his green eyes suddenly tinged with danger. She backed away, her back hitting her own door as he stalked closer. He leant down to her level and looked her in the eyes, anger clear.

"That's right. Now let me tell you how this is going to go. You are going to leave me the fuck alone and not even look in my direction. I will not help you get to my prick of a father and I definitely don't want to hang around you. I left Paris to get away from silly fan girls, I don't need another one."

Marinette stared up at him as his eyes bore into hers. She opened her mouth to speak and his hand slammed next to her head, trapping her between the wall and him. "Is that clear princess?" All she could do was nod numbly as Adrien drew himself back up and turned away from her, entering his dorm and slamming the door shut. Marinette stood shocked and confused before rushing back into her dorm and slamming her own door. She rushed to her phone and shot off a text to Alya, a quick explanation of the situation hastily typed out. She walked to her living room and flopped on the couch; face still red from the entrapment Adrien put her in. Her first day and already she had managed to piss off her idol's son. Tikki landed on her shoulder and nuzzled into her neck, unsure of what had happened but wanting to comfort her chosen regardless.

Things were definitely not perfect.

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